one day

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The new recruit didn't believe he could be broken in one day

Hearing the words "we will assign you to one of the groups." He thought of many strange things. What will this group be like? Are they some people who will look at him with disdain? He had already interacted with one group and it didn't end well, in fact he had to resort to hurting other group members to survive a fucking mission based on getting information and looking around! Therefore, when he heard about the group again, a shiver ran through his entire body and his eyes took on a dangerously dull hue.

He might have been tempted to say that he would return to his cell, alone and without the group, before the end of this day.

The next thing that surprised him in some way today was meeting this group. I mean, for that to happen at all, he had to be transported to another facility, somewhere outside the prison.
They had been driving for about an hour, and it didn't look like they were going to stop any time soon.
The handcuffs hung heavily on his arms, reassuring him that if they drove for another couple of hours then, surely, he would jump out of that car and end his suffering even before he met these new people.
Another hour passed before he heard a quiet conversation between the guards who were as his escort. He didn't like eavesdropping, but he needed to put the pain in his hands aside and occupy his head with something different and maybe even interesting.

"Is he even going to be able to put up with them? Even Rick wanted to quit after the first day."

"I only give him one day too, after all they will destroy him. See what he looks like? They're going to break him."

"Especially her."

First: by what right did they judge his looks and skills based on sitting in a car with him for a few hours?
Two: they probably overestimated this group too much, thinking they'd be able to break him.
Even "She" can't be that strong to break his psyche and strong will. He was prepared for such moments from birth.

After five hours.
Five fucking hours of driving he could finally leave the stupid car. He could stretch his legs and his poor spine
It was like salvation, small but salvation.
Unfortunately, as much as he enjoyed leaving the car and setting his feet on the concrete, it soon ended as soon as the drops of cold rain hit his head in merciless cascades, soaking his hair, clothes and making his skin unpleasantly cold.
He hates this day more and more with each passing moment
- Is this the new guy? He doesn't look like someone Amanda would send, to them. - The guard muttered unconvinced, looking at the shorter boy, still standing in the rain
- We were all puzzled. Apparently they want to test him, or throw him to certain death. - Said the other one, standing behind the boy
- Then throw him in there and go back to the boss - after these words he felt himself being pushed through an open door into some building. Because of the handcuffs also being on his legs, he almost fell down, but the helping hands of the guard, holding him by the hair saved him from this terrible thing.

- I would advise you to prove yourself more. Rick doesn't like the weak, and the others will laugh at you. - He growled, letting go of his hair, only to push him further into the new place. All this time, the boy didn't speak, not showing any emotion, despite how some of it wanted to come to the surface.
Only his eyes showed great resentment towards the situation he was in.

- I advise good luck with your survival. - He sighed as they finally stopped in front of one door and he began to unbuckle his handcuffs.
He looked like he really felt sorry for him at which the boy looked at him with distaste.
God damn. Those people couldn't be that bad.

Damn they were.
With each day he spent with them, he regretted not jumping out of that car when he had the chance.
George's fucking arrogance drove him more and more insane every day
Floyd's feigned normalcy irritated
Diablo's ignorant and childish behavior, made him feel like a serious man tempted to hang out with a child
And Harley's behavior made him afraid to sleep at night.

The guards were right. He'd had enough after one day and it only got worse with each passing day.

- Rome! Are you up yet! - He heard Harley's voice from outside his room door. God, now he seriously wondered if it wouldn't be better to just convince the diablo to set him on fire...

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