The Red means i love you

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Short yandere Boomerang x Reader

You ran, you didn't know where, you just ran. You had to be as far away from him as possible. You realized he was right behind you. You felt his taunting gaze on you, you could feel his breath on your neck, imagine his smile for which you felt like punching him in the face. You wanted so badly for him to leave you, to let you escape even if it meant showing yourself to be a coward .
-It's awfully rude of you to run away from someone like that -You heard his voice next to you. He was laughing, treating it like a game. Like a break from his work. Catching you was a reward.
He always did that. He let you believe you could get away, only to destroy your hopes later.
In the beginning of your relationship it was fun, of course it was. He hugged you, brought you sparkles, listened and comforted you, but at some point it started to turn into something else.
Something you couldn't stand. He started controlling you, getting upset when you were with someone else. He became obsessed with you and as soon as you realized it, you immediately wanted to end it. But he wouldn't let you.
No matter where you were, where you ran away, how many times you called the police. He kept coming back.
He called it love, you called it obsession.
He called red the color of love and you called it the blood of the people he killed so he could trap you again
~Here you are ~

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