Yeah, you know I feel right

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The Joker throws Harley out of the house again and she comes to the one person who loves her

You knew it had happened again. She always comes when he hurts her and you always feel like killing him. You never judge her, you know that she loves him, that she would do anything for him and she practically does and all he does all the time is send her back to you crying. He knows that you will always take her in, he knows that if she is here too long he can come and take her away like nothing happened and you had to watch it.

Calming words did not work on her anymore, stroking her head slowly stopped too. You could only hold her close and hope that she would calm down a little. Every now and then her fragile body would be shaken by another crying attack, you held her hand, slowly rocked her in your arms, but it didn't work. Her body as well as her mind was already so exhausted. Some of the wounds were still oozing blood and her wrists showed red marks from wringing her hands.

You yourself wanted to cry looking at her condition. She sacrificed herself and her life for love and got nothing in return. There was no feeling between them. Joker never loved her and she realized it, but something in her mind wanted to believe otherwise. "He promised me he would change," she repeated it every time, but it was never true. He never changed. He never apologized to her, he ruined her. Psychopaths can't love, they only get attached to their toy.

He always came back and she forgave him.
You'll always resent yourself for letting her take that job at Arkham. You thought she could handle it. She was so happy the first few weeks. She told you about her patients and how good they were to work with. You should have killed him then, now if you do you will kill her too. Even though she was dead every time she heard "let's go home honey"

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