I'm you.

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They just get locked in their own heads where they have to talk to their younger versions

- Rick! - Shouted Deadshot as they were in the middle of a fight and the soldier began to be surrounded by other monsters. They were on another mission, and all would have been well if not for the fact that they were starting to lose and the monsters were dangerously hard-pressed to take Rick with them, just like with the sorceress thing. Only they were a stronger opponent, so strong that even Harley wanted to give up (although Floyd had a suspicion that the impossibility of winning caused the girl to slowly start getting bored with the fight), they were all damn exhausted and it looked like there was no end in sight.
- Surround him! - shouted Diablo, trying to kill as many opponents as he could, but they were not decreasing at all.
- If this keeps up, we'll be surrounded ourselves! - Shouted Harley in an irritated voice as she shot into space for the umpteenth time that evening. The worst part of it all, however, was that several hours had passed and they still didn't know what the enemy could do to them. Sure, he fought and attacked them, but none were able to get close enough to activate his power. No one could predict how this would end, but they were prepared for the worst.

And the worst came when they were only losing for a moment, as if the enemy was just waiting for that moment with a surprise. The moment when they all suddenly fell to the floor was more terrifying than anything they could have experienced before.

- Rick?! Harley! - Shouted Floyd as he woke up a moment later (or at least he thought he did), looking around for the members of their group, he began to notice that he wasn't in the same place as before. He was not on a dirty city street, but in a place that resembled something like heaven, just as the religion described it. Everywhere was white, bright and empty. There were no monsters that had fought him before, nor seemingly anything that could cause him harm.
- Harley!- He shouted again concerned at the lack of a blonde beside him, starting to walk forward. His feet hit something hard, but it wasn't the floor. Like something else at all.
Everything seemed different. He had never seen anything like this and so he was starting to get an uneasy feeling in his stomach. And especially since he couldn't see the rest anywhere. He had learned lately that this only brought trouble.

- Who are you? - This question echoed in the minds of everyone present in this "world", because they were all there, even though they could not see each other, they were all there. The only thing separating them was an invisible wall that was not going to come down anytime soon and free them from what was about to happen.

- Someone is here! I don't like being alone! - shouted Harley, who was also already awake and extremely annoyed with her position. First of all: she lost and got caught. Secondly, she was locked up and defenseless. 
- This is all just stupid - she whispered to herself when after a few minutes of searching she found absolutely nothing. No sign of others, of anyone leaving or anything. There was only her and her thoughts which were extremely loud.
- Why do you look like me? You are not me. - She heard a young girl's voice coming from nowhere as she looked around the room. Nowhere could she see the person who spoke these words
- Who is saying this! Is it because I didn't take my medicine again! -
- What medication? Are you sick? Are we? - She turned around scared because of the familiar voice that spoke to her. She knew it very, very well. It was her voice. A little younger than she was now, but it was still her voice. And she could hear it behind her. It was frightening as hell, and she was so reluctant to turn around.
She didn't like being alone, but this didn't seem like a good thing.
- who are you? - She asked trying to control her breathing which was speeding up more and more with every second she was in this world.
- I am you. The voice replied, being so surprised that she was even asking this. She knew herself, but did she remember what she was like when she was a child? How is that even possible!
- How could it be? It is not possible. You can't exist, you can't be here. - She kept talking, clenching her fist from the nervousness this interaction with herself was causing her. THAT CAN'T BE FUCKING TRUE!
- I'm here because of your memories. I can exist because of you-
- Because you don't want to hear what I think about us or because you're stressed? - She asked with the childish malice she always had when it came to such things. She liked to tease others about such things so much-
- I want to get back to the others! I can't leave them behind and cause so much trouble! - Rick was probably already close to blowing her mind, that was more than certain. Suddenly disappearing is harsh insubordination.
- The others are here too. You don't see them because you have no memories associated with them in this place, but they are here. - Explained the girl, combing through her blonde hair that was tied up in a small braid.
- That does not comfort me. Let me get out of here. -
- I can't let you do that. You must wait here nicely like the others until your enemies reach their goal.
- What the hell is their goal and how much are they going to make it what! I don't want to sit here with you any longer! I'll kill you if I have to," She shouted turning to face the younger version of herself, the sight of which left her stunned and terrified. She was full of cuts and scratches and her clothes were in blood. There was even blood in her hair. It was as if she had really gone through something terrible. Harley felt paralyzed seeing this. Why was she so hurt? Who did this to her?
- They have to kill your friends first before they kill you. Us. -

- Where the fuck is the exit?" growled Boomerang to himself as he determinedly continued looking for a way out, but after a few minutes of walking around aimlessly, he heard the scream of a person he knew well. A person who annoyed him so much that he wanted to kill her more and more.
- Harley?! Are you here! - He rushed into space looking for the girl, but as much as he looked for her he couldn't find anything. Instead, he saw something else. Or rather, someone.
- I think our friend is in danger, should we help her? I can feel that you don't like her. - Said in a mocking tone the younger version of the man standing in front of him with his hands in his pockets.
- Who the fuck are you? "He immediately approached the "boy" knowing that he had to hurt the child if he had to. This is the ultimate.
- I'm you! Don't you recognize me? No wonder everyone calls you so stupid. - He laughed slightly running away when the man raised his hand to hit him, he didn't realize at all that it was himself and he knew his moves very well.
- You are not me. I've never been a cunt like you. Where are the rest of my friends? - He growled looking for his boomerangs, which like everything else, had disappeared into this world.
- Are you going to kill yourself? Do you really want to do that George? I would advise you to think about it. In the end, you'll die alone, and no one will mourn for you. Your mother never cried for you when things happened to you. You think the others will? -
- I'll kill you. Fuck you! I just want to kill you! You think you can say things like that without any consequences?! -
- Everything you do is wrong, all your actions. You are nothing without others. You can't do something by yourself. You are useless. -
- You're a dick.
- I am you, just less useless than you have been all your life.

- Why are you doing this to us? - Asked Floyd, who, by hitting invisible walls, was peeling the skin off his hands. Blood dripped under his feet, forming a rather large puddle. He didn't want to give up, because he knew the same thing was happening to others. With his friends. All of them exhausted from trying to escape their own heads and their mistakes.
His younger self just turned his head to the side and shrugged his shoulders.

- Maybe you're not needed anymore?

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