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Floyd, Harley, Diablo and Rick are very similar

Each of them has been hurt
Filled with pain and emotions that are hard to forget and that burn real physical pain in the chest

Floyd felt it when he had to leave his daughter, watching the tears well up in her eyes as she hugged him one last time. His heart ripped into little pieces whenever he remembered how his daughter must have looked when he was arrested, right after he promised her that they could live together and he would take care of her. He felt then that he had let her down.
He felt the title of good parent being ripped from him by force and burned in front of his eyes and it was all his own fault.

Harley felt that feeling in her chest when her first and what she thought at the time was her only true love mocked her and her feelings, only to snatch the gun from her and put it to his head.
She didn't understand then why he couldn't accept her feelings, she gave him everything she had, along with her humanity and he rejected it and crushed it in front of her eyes.
"My heart scares you, but guns don't it?"
She felt so lost then, she meant nothing without him. She had lost everything she had to be close to him, besides her love she had nothing. And to him she was nothing.

For Diablo, the situation that had such an effect on him was still a nightmare that haunted him whenever he closed his eyes, a sin he carried with him.
The body he held in his hands at that moment could still be felt, if he concentrated hard enough. He lost control of his emotions so easily, but he always thought that by finding love he would be able to stop them. It was like that for a while, and then the desire to feel adrenaline and power returned. He had a family, a loving wife, a home, happiness
But he squandered it for stupid power.
The anger in him then erupted so hot and strong from suppressing it within himself that he knew how it would end and yet he went after it. He destroyed his dream of being normal then.

Rick for one despite being a soldier wasn't forced into these situations but he felt the stupid pain on himself as he watched June walk away with the words "I need to take care of myself and rest from what happened. From all the memories" he didn't blame her or judge her, it just hurt. He did it all for her, he wanted to become an even better person, to change and maybe start a family. It was his selfish thinking that was hurting him.

Each of them has experienced this pain only none of them realize how similar they are.

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