Poor Rick

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My writing is becoming increasingly chaotic, but here injured Rick

He should be more careful, he realizes this, ha he's been yelling at himself for this mistake for two hours straight. Because of his stupid little mistake, he had to sit in one place surrounded by his "group" who are trying to help him. He appreciated it, he really did (or at least he tried to) but when he once again had to listen to arguments about who helped him more, when in fact the whole group was just standing over him and almost giving him another injury, it made him want to get up despite his broken leg and run away to where he could have peace
- Boomerang, can't you give him a beer-
- I don't even drink, if I may interject-
Considering it's an exchange between him and Harley it's better to just let it go. She's a dangerous (and currently very angry) woman
- Harley, you don't have to act like his mom, he's older than you...- Floyd... I thought you were a reasonable man...
- Don't talk to me. I'm the only one who has training on how one should behave in such situations. - She said in such an icy voice that everyone in the room shook uncomfortably.

Currently, her bad mood, caused Floyd himself to back off (although it could have been because he had some affection for her, but Rick didn't want to judge that, at a time when he doesn't have a full field of escape)

- Look, I really appreciate what you're doing for me, but it would be better if I just rested for a while," Rick began after a moment of silence, trying to get up, but Floyd put a hand on his shoulder and just shook his head slightly

- Dude let us help you. You've done enough for us, now it's our turn to repay you a little," he said, before going to help the others bring in things they thought might help him - And you won't get far with that leg - He added when he threw a pink pillow at poor Rick

Rick sat in shock as he watched them pile a dozen pillows and blankets around him, he never thought he would hear such words from the "worst offenders". He wouldn't lie to say that he was becoming more and more attached to them as if they were normal friends.
Plus he was completely at their mercy, and it was looking more and more likely that more injuries were about to occur here...

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