Why i can't come back?

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Floyd is dead. Nothing more.

Everything around is strangely quiet and empty.
Where is he?
He's never been here before
Is he still on the battlefield? Has he passed out and is in one of his dreams? After all, he couldn't have fallen asleep during the battle...

Why can't he see any of his friends? Where is Rick? What about their plan? Why doesn't he know anything?
He doesn't recall anyone ever preparing them for such a situation
Has anyone ever even hinted at this possibility?
Maybe it was an enemy power that no one else knew about? That would be the worst option, because no one in that case also knows how to get out of here or if it's even possible

How long had he been sitting here? What if something happened to the others? What if something happened to her?
He was supposed to protect her, he promised her that. He can't be stuck here a minute longer.

Why can't he go back? Everywhere is clear, but there is no way out
He feels serious frustration, maybe even the need to cry.
He cannot leave her partners for such a long time.

Why can't he go back
He did everything they expected of him.
His family was waiting for him, he had to do it
So why is he still stuck in this place as if chained to it?
He loved what he had, what he kept coming back to
He would do anything if he could do it one last time.

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