Chapter 6

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3 years ago...

Jungkook looked out of the moving car at the busy street of Seoul. He really missed this place, the familiar people, the weather, most especially the food.

The brunet just got back from New York last night after finally completing his studies and trainings. The past three years have been a little too strenuous for him, having to study in a foreign land away from his family & friends.

He and Jimin has been in contact though and they spoken almost everyday which help him alot during those lonely times.

Jimin would probably be mad at him for not calling him first when he arrived back at Seoul but he just couldn't miss the chance to go see the one person he so desperately wished to see all those years.

He had read every article on the youngest most successful bachelor of Korea, followed every news, blog that mentions the raven.

Jungkook probably regrets not telling him about his feelings that night at the Kim's Island when he had the chance and the feelings only grew more this past years. this was why when he heard his father say over breakfast that morning that he was going to the Kim's Company today he thought that was the stars giving him another chance.

His heart beat accelerated as their car pulled into the parking lots of the massive building of the Kim's Company.

"Are you sure you can go back alone?"

The brunet heard his father ask as one of the guards walked towards them to open the door for them.

"I am not a kid anymore dad" he responded with a pout

"But you are still my kid" the older Jeon teased back causing the younger to roll his eyes at that.

"Call the driver if need be. Okay?"

"Okay Dad"

The older Jeon walked into the building with some guards following behind him.

The brunet heard his phone ring out and bringing it out from his pocket saw the caller id

Best mochi💓

"Hello" Jungkook picked the call placing the phone to his ear but immediately pulled it away to save his ear drum when the other yelled.

"Jung fucking kook!"

"Hello hyung" the brunet smiled at the other's tactics. Jimin never change.

"How the fuck are you in Seoul since last night and I am just finding out and from the news!"

"I'm sorry hyung, I was too tired last night to call you"

"But not to tired to be on your way to your crush's office"

"Come on hyung, I haven't seen him in three years and I really miss him"

"First of all stop calling me hyung and secondly you haven't seen me in three years either!"

"We have been in contact jiminnie but I haven't seen or heard from Taehyung. I'm not even sure I still have a chance with him anymore" he said the last part in low voice.

Jimin's heart soften at that. He knew how much the younger regretted not confessing his feelings the night before they left the training ground.

"I'm sure he is still single kook, like who would date him with that attitude of his"

"I have told you he is not really like that hyung"

"Whatever, go to up his office pull him by the tie and kiss the lively life out of him and if he doesn't respond let me know and I will get yongi to beat his ass"

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