Chapter 29

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The two got to the Kim's mansion about an hour ago, Namjoon and his son has started their arguments again but this time it was taehyung giving him a piece of his mind with the older kim listening with guilt.

Jungkook was still standing at the entrance of the mansion waiting for taehyung to finish so they could leave and just before he noticed the figure that came from behind him and held a dagger to his neck.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person Jeon Jungkook" Jungkook heard the voice into his ears with a two edged dagger dangerously held to his neck.


How the hell did he get free and armed. Just then two guards ran into the living room panting and looking badly manhandled. "We are sorry sir, he slipped out of our hold as he were trying to push him inside his cell" one of the guard apologized as he saw the suitation his mistake had caused.

"Don't move any inch" bogum yelled at Yoongi and Jimin that attempted to make a move towards them

"Any movement and this dagger goes straight into his neck, Now get me Taehyung!" he growled.

Taehyung ran downstairs on hearing the commotion and was shocked to see the suitation his baby was in.

When is this ever going to end

"Let him go!" He yelled out to Bogum causing all attention to go to him as he slowly approached the two. He locked eyes with Jungkook and could see the younger looking not atall fazed but knowing him better than anyone could see the fear behind that cold fathom.

"Bogum! Let him go, it's me you want? So let him go" taehyung tried to negotiate seeing the blade already drawing blood.

"You know Tae, I really only wanted you" bogum started as his face softened looking at taehyung

"But at this point there is nothing else to loss so before I go to hell I will very much love to take your bitch along"

Taehyung still had his eyes locked with Jungkook begging him with his eyes not to take any rash movement because bogum would not think twice  to stab that dagger into his neck. It's so sad that neither of the two had a gun with then at this critical moment.

"You will let him go and I give you my word that no harm will come to you" Namjoon said joining the party.

Jimin who has been standing by the side was fed up of the stupid drama. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at Taehyung's head causing everyone to panic and I mean everyone including bogum and Jungkook.

"W-what are you doing hyung?" Jungkook asked with wide eyes

"Yes, what the fuck are you doing?" Asked Bogum next

"Well, if you want to send my best friend to hell I can as well send your bitch there too. I don't like him anyway" Jimin spat directed to Bogum who gritted his teeth at the statement.

"Hyung, please quit joking and pull the gun away" Jungkook plead still surprised Jimin would seriously pull a gun at Taehyung. Jimin total ignored him tighten his grip on the gun.

"Like I care!" Bogum spat back believing the shorter male was just bluffing.

"Ok" Jimin responded and before anyone could make the next sound, a trigger has been pulled and bullet direct straight into his brain. With everybody's eyes blown wide open.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook yelled out

"What the fuck?! You would have shot me" Jungkook yelled at taehyung who only chulcked at him.

Taehyung pushed him behind himself kicking the lifeless bogum to be sure the bastard was really dead. He turned to Jungkook and pulled him into a hug. He was literally scared no jokes.

Jimin had pushed a gun into his lower back and one aiming at his head when he came to him from behind and Taehyung had collected the gun from behind. While bogum was focused at Jimin aiming the gun at him he had calculated the range and the moment Jimin pretended to pull the trigger he took the advantage of the shocked Bogum and shot him straight in the head.

Jimin came towards them and Jungkook pulled away from the hug and embraced his best friend.

"If you pull that stunt again I would rip you dick out" he threatened the older who chulcked in return. Jimin smacked his head muttering words in-between 'ungrateful bastard'

"Did you really know that there was no bullet in your gun?" Jungkook finally asked when they pulled away from the hug. He could see Yoongi and Taehyung talking with Namjoon by the side and some guards cleaning up the lifeless body of bogum.

It's finally over

"No" he heard Jimin say at first he didn't not understand what he was saying till his brain click causing his eyes to widen

"You didn't know your gun was empty all the while and you pulled the trigger at my husband?!" He asked sternly seeing red.

"Well in my defense I wasn't sure which of the guns was empty I only trusted my guts......" Jimin continued to tease but stopped immediately he saw the younger looking at him like he was going to murder him

"hey hey slow your horses. I was only joking. Damn! You look like you are going to decapitate me. Jes!"

Jungkook was just About to throw a punch on that beautiful face of his just before Taehyung pulled him into his arms.

"Thanks Jimin for the help" taehyung stated as he continued to calm his baby.

"It's Hyung to you Mr, I am older than you" Jimin resorted rolling his eyes.

"With few months" Taehyung responded back without even sparing him a glance.

"Doesn't change the fact that I am still older, so add respect to the name" Taehyung finally looked up from Jungkook to send a glare to the shorter male when Yoongi appeared behind Jimin

"Hyung" Taehyung called to Yoongi which Jimin surprisedly though it was him and almost jumped up in joy at finally earning Taehyung's respect.

"Kook did you see your smug husband finally respected his elders" he said excitedly.

"You earn respect from Taehyung baby, I had to beat him in a fight before he started calling me hyung" Yoongi stated pulling the blond male into his arms before leaving a soft peck on his neck.

"Let's get your wounded neck cleaned" Taehyung said pulling Jungkook away from the whining Jimin.

"It's just a scratch" Jungkook stated as he brought his hands to his slightly bleeding neck.

Taehyung pulled him towards his parents to say their goodbyes before leaving the house back to their pent house.


I wish I can apologize for staying away but can't because it was very important.

I will make it up with updates as much as possible..

This isn't the end but the end is not far away.

I just got back to Wattpad now and will respond to all your messages shortly.

I purple you


1177 words

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