Chapter 28

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They have been sitting in silence in the car for minutes now in the middle of no where, an hour away from the park mansion  Hoseok and his brother had left.

Taehyung couldn't take the silent not with what is aching his heart right now.

"I have news about the death of your parents" he started in a small voice not looking at his husband, feeling extremely responsible for everything that has happened.

"I know" he heard the emotionless voice of  the younger speak. "Hoseok told me everything when he called me some hours ago and Yes he told me everything including him been a spy"

"I am so sorry baby, it is all my fault you had to bear so much pain from losing your parents to your kidnap. You never even had a normal marriage life" Taehyung cried out

Jungkook opened the car and came down leaving the crying Taehyung in the car because he was still mad and can't handle his baby looking defeated it wasn't a sight he was used to.

After a couple of minutes Taehyung came down from the car after calming down and walked up to his husband.

"Was that why you were carrying a dead weight when you were supposed to be escaping for your life?" Jungkook asked looking back at him very furiously.

"I thought it will be best to bring him to you instead...." Taehyung stated but was cut short when a hard palm made contact with his face.

Jungkook just slapped him

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! What would I need him for if something had happened to you?" Taehyung looked at him smiling with fond eyes.

"I lost my parents to him and you put your life in danger because you wanted me to take revenge?"

"I am sorry" taehyung stated with a small voice again

"What are you sorry for! I knew what I was getting myself into from the beginning when I decided it's you I wanted. If anyone should be blamed for what happened to my parents it should me for wanting You" Jungkook said as tears rolled down his cheeks from his eyes making Taehyung pull him into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"But I don't regret it one bit because if I am giving the option to make the decision again, I would pick you over and over again...j-just....... Just that I would do it in a better way where my parents didn't have to get involved" Jungkook cried out more into his husband's arms.

"It's okay baby, it's all over now" taehyung confronted.

They heard a sound from the vehicle and broke away from the hug. The sound came again like someone hitting from the inside of the car truck.


Taehyung opened the truck and saw bogum trying to say something but ignored him and when he looked at his husband he saw Jungkook had pulled out a gun aiming at bogum with a murderous look in his eyes. Taehyung smiled fondly at his husband slowly approaching him.

"Hey baby, you don't want to give him an easy death. Something slow and long that will take you days to figure out the anatomical structures of his body" Taehyung whispered into his ears sensually as he held him on the waist back hugging him.

He was not particularly prolonging the bastard's life but giving his baby the option of not regretting giving him an easy death after all he has done.

Jungkook brought his hands down and turned to Taehyung and smashed their lips together in a hot fierce kiss.

Taehyung was not expecting that but immediately wrapped his arms around the younger's waist as he pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. Jungkook poked his lips with his tongue and he willing opened his mouth giving the younger access to explore every corner of his mouth with his tongue. Jungkook fisted the older's hair and tugged on it hard as they both abused their lips in front of the bitch who always wanted what he will never get.

He pressed himself harder on Taehyung's body and tinted his head to the side as he deepen the kiss. Taehyung moaned at the intensity of the makeout and that was when Jungkook pulled away and joined their forehead together. Jungkook used his tongue to lick Taehyung's glittery swollen lips causing the older to groan.

"Let's go before I would be forced to bend you over and fuck you here in the middle of no where" he groaned in frustration causing Jungkook to giggle.

They both looked at the growling Bogum who was looking at them with eyes that could kill, Taehyung rolled his eyes while Jungkook giggled before shutting the truck and getting into the vehicle.

Jungkook met his phone ringing and he picked it up seeing it was Jimin.

"What the fuck is wrong with you for always scaring me like this?"

He heard Jimin yell from the other side of the phone causing him to chulck, Jimin will never change.

"What's going on there, the others have arrived at the Kim's mansion back from their own mission, are you okay?"

"I'm fine hyung and Taehyung is with me too" the phone went quiet for some seconds before Jimin finally spoke.

"Hope he is okay?"

"So you care about him now?" Jungkook laughed teasingly at his best friend.

"He is definitely fine if you can laugh, you guys should stop fucking and come back!" Jimin yelled back before hanging up causing Jungkook to laugh out more.

He turned to Taehyung and saw the older looking at him with a serious face.

"What?" He asked confused at the sudden change of mood.

"Did you drive into a battle field without a bulletproof vest?" Taehyung asked with suppressed anger in this voice

"Oh my God! Please don't get all protective mood on me now. You were the one who was dragging an unconscious body with you in the middle of battle" Jungkook exclaimed with an eye roll.

"Oh, you are rolling eyes at me now" Taehyung stated with a blank voice and face while tinting his head to the side causing Jungkook to turn to him with wide blew eyes and panicked a little.

"B-but I'm completely O-okay, see" he said trying to reason with his angry husband. He can't forget the last time Taehyung got really mad for been disrespected.

Taehyung just ignored him and started the Vehicle and started driving.

"Baby, come-on! I literally just saved your life" Jungkook whined


I never know what to say after every chapter. Hehehe

I purple you 💜


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