Chapter 24

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It was late evening at the Kim's mansion. Jimin had called Namjoon to info him about the suitation as instructed by Yoongi.

Namjoon currently have everyone in the mansion searching and tracking everything they can to find his son at all cost.

Jungkook walked into the mansion after hours of looking everywhere for taehyung but saw nothing. He was so exhausted he felt like he could collapse anytime. Jimin been the first person to sight him walk in quickly ran to.

"Where the hell did you run off to! You think getting everybody worried about the two of you would solve anything!" Jimin scolded having a strong urge to hit the younger for getting him so scared but he knew if he as much as touched Jungkook right he would pass out.

"Are you okay?" He asked instead pulling the younger into his arms.

Jungkook looked at the different teams with tons of computers set up in the sitting room and pulled out of the older's hold.

"Did they find anything yet?" He asked Jimin still staring at the working team.

"They are still working on it, why don't we get you something to eat and you take a rest after" Jimin urged.

"I am not hungry, I need to find my husband" he said walking away from Jimin going to look for Jin or Namjoon.

When he found his father in-law Namjoon he was on a video call with Yoongi and he heard the older's question just as he entered the office.

"Mr Kim we will need your connection to Park Bo Gum, to help us get a closure on this search"

Namjoon looked up from the laptop and sighed when he saw Jungkook at his office door with Jimin behind him. He gestured for the younger to come inside the office.

Jungkook saw Jin siting on the couch in the office tapping his legs impatiently as he spoke quietly on the phone with a frown on his face but Jin dropped the call immediately he sighted him entering the office and gestured for him to come into his arms.

Jungkook did not waste time to go into the older arms as they consoled each other holding back tears as this wasn't the time to cry but be strong together and get their son and husband back in one piece.

"Mr Kim?"

They all heard Yoongi speak up from the system call again getting everyone's attention back to Namjoon.

"I don't have any business with Bo Gum but with his father" namjoon started now gaining the complete attention of everyone

"Twelve years ago, I and Jeon finally gave into the persuasion of Mr Park juhyo business proposal. The business deal was simple. He supplies us weapons for our men and we help he clear the goods he import. It seem like a simple and genius business deal till after a while we noticed that he was smuggling drugs into the country in our names. I and Jeon cancelled the contract but we didn't know we were dealing with the cunning man. He sent us both a fogged documents with our signatures saying that we signed away our company's shares to him and it will be torn if we continued working with him.
I had nothing to loss because Taehyung who was twelve at that time had majority of my company shares, I just simply sent him away to protect him. But Mr Jeon was victimized, we tried to work it out but he ended up losing a big part of his company and we couldn't even do anything to juhyo because he still has our names as part of the drugs smuggled" Namjoon sighed

"What about our boy's death?" Jin asked completely furious, this information was not known to him

"Taemin, our baby died in an accident on his way back from the company, it just happened to be when all this started. I used it as an excuse to send Taehyung away for his safety" he explained looking at his husband who looked back at him totally disappointed, angry.

Namjoon looked back at the system.

"After the losses from our companies we started again with hopes that juhyo had finally left us alone but six years later he came back demanding for a renewal of the business deal seeming desperate for the Power we hold in society. He got a hold of a good amount of shares from the Jeon again I don't know how and his company starting having crisis but money didn't seem to be what he wanted"

"Was he responsible for the death of my parents?" Jungkook asked all of a sudden staring at Namjoon with a blank face.

"Park juhyo was a business man, Yes he was dangerous but power is what matters most to him, so I can't be sure if he is involved"

"His son on the other hand seem to be one that's always out for blood" Yoongi said from the system.

"I don't think his son had anything to be out for my son's head?" Namjoon stated unsure.

"I will call back if I find anything" Yoongi said before hanging up.

Namjoon approached Jin but was stopped by a hand raised by his husband.

"Bun? Let's get you something to eat, okay?' he said which Jungkook nodded allowing Jin to pull him to his feet as they walked out of the office to the kitchen.

Jungkook had a small portion of food not really having appetite, he went to freshen up in Taehyung's room in the mansion and just as he was out of the bathroom he saw his phone ringing.

He quickly picked up hoping it was taehyung calling to tell him that he was totally fine and will be home soon. He checked the callers ID



Merry Christmas 🎄 peeps

I hope the celebration brings you more joy and cause to rejoice.

We heard Yoongi has COVID... Don't worry guys, he will be totally fine


1002 words

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