Chapter 15

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It's been three days since Jungkook came back home. They agreed to keep his return a secret from everyone outside the house for safety purposes. They would inform his parents of course but not now.

Taehyung got no particular lead from all Jungkook told him but was certain it was some one close for them to allow him live. He doesn't want to jeopardize his chances to end this once and for all by informing people that Jungkook was alive. He doesn't trust anyone right now.

He noticed the attacks on him stopped a long time ago but what happened to kook was making him think otherwise.

Taehyung was currently at his home office, he has been working from home for the past three days. After seriously warning all the guards and maid in the mansion not to say a single word of his husband's arrival to anyone and he would kill all their families if he hears the news anywhere because they are the only ones that know of it. He also warned not to entertain any guest without his permission.

His secretary Rose only came to drop off some documents she couldn't send vai mail. Hoseok was off to U.S to completely work there.

Jungkook was still sleeping when he came down to his office few hours ago.

Taehyung was on a video conference meeting when he heard a knock on the office door which opened and saw his husband peck his head through the door causing him to smile at his cuteness.

Jungkook noticed the older was on a conference call because he just waved him in and continued what he was doing without sparing him a glance again.

Jungkook was here on a mission, he has been in door since he came back and needs to go to the company he left behind for months now. But he knows that's not possible now so he is here to plead again for Taehyung to allow him call Jimin atleast to inform him he was well.

After walking around the office for a couple minutes without earning a single attention from his husband. He walked up to his desk and sat on it behind the Laptop Taehyung was using and he finally got his attention.

Taehyung looked up at his husband and saw he was wearing a sweat pants and a long robe over his shoulders leaving his chest exposed. He tried to look away because he could not afford to be distracted, the meeting he was having now was supposed to happen in U.S but he left everything to Hoseok.

He tried to concentrate on the meeting but he could not help to look back at his husband who was going through a book while sitting on his desk with his exposed chest like he was not doing it on purpose to distract him. He averted his eyes back to the meeting with a groan. He looked back at Jungkook when he heard a whine from him and saw him pouting.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asked after muting himself. Seeing the younger stare at him and then at the system in front of him and back at him pleading with his eyes to give him attention.

"Okay, Operation team you need to work on that Proposal again I am not convinced. Hoseok Please send in the documents for final reviews and approval" he said into the conference meeting and closed the laptop without waiting for a respond.

"Come here love" he gestured towards the younger who excited walked to him and stranddled his waist sitting on his lap. He connected their lips and kissed the younger who responded without wasting a second as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck moving his fingers through his hair.

They only pulled away when they needed to breath and rested their forehead together.

"Did you have breakfast" he asked Jungkook who nodded before resting his face into the crook of Taehyung's neck leaving gentle kisses.

"Is there something you need?" He asked again while gentle massaging the younger's exposed waist.

"You should take a rest. You have been here for over four hours" Jungkook suggested pulling out of the older's neck.

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