Chapter 12 (M)

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This chapter will contain mature content/smut. Kindly skip to the last (***) part if you are not comfortable with a such content.

Please enjoy it you are comfortable.


Because they left very late the night before, the couple arrived around mid day in Hawaii and the hot weather was at its peak. They slept through out the flight so they were more rested but not underestimating jet lags decided to just rest the whole day out.

Jungkook was currently in the bathroom after Taehyung had his bath while he was unpacking and yelling a voice record to Jimin for the so called wedding  gift he prepared for him that was full of different lingeries and toys.

Taehyung had gone outside to check around their beautiful beach house his dad paid for their stay. He had to survey the area even after his father had mentioned a million times that it was totally safe there and he had security everywhere around the area for extra precautions. He made a few phone calls to his P.A and secretary and received a message from Yoongi telling him to relax and enjoy his honeymoon.

He walked back into the house and met with a Jungkook wearing only bathrobe and applying body lotions on his thighs. The brunet was backing him so he didn't notice him stare at his thighs hungrily and traced his eyes to the exposed shoulders which caused his lips to sudden feel dry as he used his tongue to wet them.

Taehyung approached the younger and before Jungkook could notice him, he felt the raven hands sneak around his waist and pulled him into a back hug nuzzling his face into the crook of the brunet neck and sniffed causing the younger to smile fondly at him.

"You smell so good baby" he moaned into his neck as he kept sniffing causing the brunet to giggle because it tickles. He pushed Taehyung out of his neck as they stared at each other. Taehyung stared at jungkook's lips and as if the younger felt the linger gaze on his lips  softly pulled his lower lips in-between his teeth anticipating what the raven would do. Jungkook has been anticipating this night since Taehyung proposed that night but their busy schedules did not allow them explore each other sexually.

Taehyung seeing Jungkook teeth on his delicate lips groaned. He used his fingers to pull the lips out of the grasp of his teeth

"Don't" he said in a low voice that was deeper than anything Jungkook has heard before. Jungkook Not been able to hold back anymore smashed his lips on the older's. It took taehyung by surprise but he recovered from it and immediately took the lead in the kiss. He pulled him closer and kissed him deeper. He really loves kissing the younger that it's getting scary how addicting it is. He ran his tongue over jungkook's lower lips silently requesting for entrance which he was granted access and he sneaked his tongue into the younger's mouth getting a moan from him in-between the kiss when their tongue met. Taehyung gentle pushed the brunet on the bed causing their lips to detach.

The air in Jungkook lungs escaped him as Taehyung attacked his lips again with a searing kiss that he felt to the tips of his toes.  Taehyung detached their lips to allow the younger breath and immediately attacked his neck, biting, nipping and sucking on the delicate skin causing the younger to moan at the blissful pleasure, he has always been sensitive on his neck.

"Fuck! Mmmhhh Tae-hyun-g" Jungkook choked out a moan and ached his back as he felt Taehyung's wet lips capture his buds and sucks like he needed it for life. Taehyung continued his ministration as he attacked the other nipple enjoying the sound he was hearing from the younger.

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