Chapter 17

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*Read the previous chapter first*

Jungkook stirred in his sleep when Taehyung left the bed. Thinking the older was using the bathroom waited for him to return so they could cuddle again.

A minute passed and he felt windy air blow into the room from the glass door to the balcony indicating it has been opened causing him to be alert but did not move to avoid notifying the intruder he was aware of his presence.

Jungkook quietly and careful trace his right hand in the bed side under his pillow till his hand came in contact with a well tucked in dagger and held the handle firmly and held the side pillow firmly with the left hand ready to swing with all his strength.

Immediately he saw the shadow of the intruder pointing a gun and walking towards him. Jungkook used all his strength to swing the pillow which luckily got in contact with the intruders hand holding the gun and the trigger went off and bullet hit the bed headboard

Jungkook immediately swing his right hand cutting the intruders hand causing the person to drop the gun.

The person immediately grabbed Jungkook's right hand trying to collect the Dagger and they both started struggling with it.

The bedroom door immediately Burst open causing both Jungkook and the intruder to look towards it to see Taehyung who aimed immediately at the intruder and shot his right leg.

The intruder grunt in pain and quickly limped towards the slid glass door he came from and jumped out running towards the garden. Taehyung ran towards the balcony and tried aiming again but lost the intruder. He felt someone jump out the balcony and saw hoseok run after the person.

Just seconds after he could see his security running towards the direction the intruder ran to.

"I NEED HIM DEAD OR ALIVE!" Taehyung yelled out before his mind click and he ran back into the room to check on Jungkook.

"Hey baby, are you okay? Were you hurt somewhere?" He asked Jungkook looking all over his body to check for any bullet wounds or cut marks but found none to his relief.

"You act like I can't take care of myself" Jungkook chulcked at his husband's concerned face causing Taehyung to frown at him.

"This is nothing to joke about kook, you could have been really hurt" he scolded which Jungkook mentally rolled his eyes.

"Shouldn't you be calling Lucas?, And was that hoseok I saw just now?" Jungkook questioned a little confused.

"Yes, he will explain himself. Let me make a few calls" taehyung said picking up his phone and dailed a number as he walked out to the balcony.

Jungkook was trying to get his thought around how the intruder could get passed all their security, there were in fact hundred of Security cameras, Guards, sensors all over the mansion and how the hell is hoseok there at this hour of the night.

As Jungkook's mind was running on miles his eyes caught something

'A gun'

The intruder's gun? Oh great. He quickly used a cloth to pick up the gun with a tissue and walked into the bathroom looking for a plastic bag. He saw one they use for beauty products and emptied it and dropped the gun inside and hid it inside the bathroom closet.

He walked back into the room to hear taehyung commanding into the phone.

"I don't care if it's fucking 3am! I want you and the crew here in 30 minutes. As for your security team in my house get ready to send all their heads to their families!"

Taehyung hung up and walked back into the room. It's been almost five minutes they went after the intruder and no one is back yet which means they obviously lost him. How is that even possible when the person has a gunshot wound on the leg.

He saw Jungkook standing in the middle of the room with folded hands and a furrowed brows staring at him and he knew exactly what that look was for.

"You do realize that you have over 50 guards?"

"More reason this shouldn't have happened in the first place! If they don't know what there jobs are then they pay the consequences!"

Taehyung responded firmly as he walk towards the light switches and turn on all the light.

10 minutes later, Hoseok came back he explained that they lost the guy, he had a getaway driver. He was a bit distracted by the still shirtless taehyung as he was walking around the room taking a call from his father who had miraculously heard the news so fast.

Jungkook noticed the lingering eyes of Hoseok on his husband's body. He quickly picked up a t-shirt walking towards taehyung and helping him get into it. He asked hoseok to wait downstairs which the other did seeing he wasn't really needed there.

In an hour the mansion was full of people, Taehyung's both parents were there at the sitting room with Jungkook. Taehyung, bambam with his crew were checking all the camera footages and checking for any handprints or evidence, Lucas and his crew where checking the surroundings and interrogating the fifty guards on duty.

Jungkook finally spoke because he has been wondering.

"Hoseok? You didn't tell us what you were doing here at that hour?" Jungkook asked causing everybody's eyes to face the questioned person.

"H-huh I came straight from the airport to drop the documents as instructed by Taehyung" hoseok said with a straight face.

"At 3am?" Jungkook asked further

"Like I said Mr Jeon I came straight from the airport, I was supposed to come later in the day but thought it would be best to drop it and take some rest from the trip. I did not expect to wake anyone or run into any trouble here" hoseok defended not liking jungkook's accusing tone. He always knew the younger never liked him but calling him out in from of the Kim's is not nice.

"First of Mr Jung, Its Mr Kim to you and secondly you had a gun with you like you expected what was going to happen?"

"That was for protection which I have on me at all time"

"Even from the airport?" Jungkook questioned further. He knows everyone thinks he is always paranoid around the red haired male because of his past with taehyung but this is not about it.

Alot of things do not add up right now and hoseok showing up in the middle of the night armed and was not even surprised to see him after eight months of assumed death.

Jin stood up and pulled Jungkook to sit with him to calm him down. They all trust hoseok and totally understand Jungkook interrogation seeing what the younger has gone through lately.

Just about then Taehyung walked down with bambam.

"We found nothing, seem someone deleted all the data from the cameras and the intruder was obviously wearing a glove so no finger prints" Taehyung said with a little frustration in his voice.

"Baby, did you see anything that could be of any help" he further asked because if they don't get anything right now then they are really helpless against this enemy.

Jungkook looked at hoseok for a couple second seeing him just stare around totally avoiding his gaze.

"I did not see anything, the intruder was wearing a mask and the room was dark too so I could not see anything" Jungkook answered purposely omitting the information about the gun still staring at the red haired male and he could have sworn he saw him sigh in relief.


I updated again as promised

Is Jungkook right to suspect hoseok?

Why did he hid the information about the gun?

Do you want another update today?


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