Chapter 20

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The couple arrived at the Penthouse two hours later and settled in.

It's was 7pm when they had their dinner. Taehyung was on a business call with hoseok while Jungkook was having a shower.

Jungkook came out of the bathroom with a robe wrapped around his naked body as he dries his hair with a towel, he could hear that Taehyung was on a call but rolled his eyes when he heard the name for the person he was talking with.

Just then Taehyung finished his call and closed his working laptop and set it aside.

"I don't know why you still keep that ugly bitch as your Personal assistant" Jungkook complained for the millionth time.

"You very well know my best friend is not ugly" Taehyung teased causing Jungkook to throw the hand towel he was holding at him but he caught it and placed it aside.

"But seriously why do you dislike him so much? He is such a sweetheart with a beautiful soul and such a cheerful spirit" Taehyung asked

"You see that right there is the problem, how can someone be so cheerful all the goddamn time...."

"Is that really a problem now?" Taehyung cut through jungkook's words not sure what the problem is.

"Will you let me finish?" Jungkook glared causing Taehyung to throw his hands in the air in surrender.

"Like I was saying. He is always so cheerful to everyone except me, why me? And then he has this aura around him that's just does sit well with me. I just feel like punching that smile off his face everytime" Jungkook completed with a grunt causing Taehyung to burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Jungkook asked his cracking up husband not finding anything he said funny. Taehyung laughed so hard but started trying to control it when he saw jungkook's annoyed face.

"Hoseok would Woop your ass in a second when it comes to a fight. Don't let his charming smile deceive you baby. We trained together so I know" Taehyung finally said when he managed to stop laughing.

"Are you calling my fighting skill wack?" Jungkook asked feeling totally offended

"Come on baby, you know I did not say that. You are a very good fighter actually one of the few best I have seen. All I am saying is it will be best you don't get into a fight with him"

Taehyung finally said pulling the younger closer to him by the waist and kissing his clothed tummy.

"You always support him which is another reason I dislike him so much" Jungkook complained again.

Taehyung sighed. This is not the first time they had this hoseok conversation since they got married but they simply laughed over it calling it a rivalry shit but lately jungkook's complains are getting disturbing. it isn't about how hoseok was always too close, or how he flirts with him or how he looks at him but it's getting to his aura changes around Jungkook and he doesn't smile at Jungkook.

Taehyung doesn't want his husband to feel threatened by anyone not even his best friend.

"Baby you know I am this protective about him because he is an orphan and I am like his only family that is why even when things did not work out between us he still stayed around. And you know you are the only one I love baby. He was there before I met you and he was there when I choose you. I choose to spend the rest of my life with you forever not him or anyone else. So if you feel insecure around him next time just know that you have what he doesn't. Which is me your gracious husband"

Taehyung concluded his speech with a eye blinding box  smile causing Jungkook to smile back at him.

"And you say you are not good with words? Jungkook looked down at him all flustered.

"When did I ever say that?" Taehyung teased but Jungkook did not know he was joking.

"When you fucking proposed, how could you forget that" Jungkook asked offended as he tries to get out Taehyung hold but he couldn't.

"How can I forget?" Taehyung laughed  pulling the younger into the bed with him "Now give me some sugar" taehyung said before connecting their lips and Jungkook kissed back taking the lead as Taehyung allowed him.

Jungkook sat with his both legs by the side of Taehyung's hips as he straddled his waist and sat on his cock area and continued to devour the older's lips.

Taehyung placed his both hands on Jungkook's waist and thrust his hips up encouraging him to move.

Jungkook got the message and started grinding on taehyung. He rolled his hip and then moved it up and down adding more pressure as he started feeling Taehyung's cock stir under him which seem to encourage him plus he was already starting to enjoy it too. Jungkook started to grind harder getting carried away in the pleasure. He could not even kiss taehyung properly due to his moans.

Taehyung immediately flipped them over to take charge and just as he was about to get rid of the younger's robe to get access to more skin.

His phone ding.

The both looked at the direction and saw it was from his private line and Taehyung looked at Jungkook silently asking if it was okay to stop here which Jungkook nodded immediately.

Taehyung got up and opened the text message he has been waiting for all day.

Private Number

I got your guy.


We are getting a closure to who might be doing all this.

One of us here already suspects Namjoon.
Do you agree? If yes why?

If not who do you suspect?

Or you think the villain has not been introduced yet?


973 words

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