Chapter 14

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NB: this was previously chapter one for my first 10 readers.

They are no single changes so you can skip it but I recommend you read it again for clarification.


Present day..

"hey, baby"

"Where the fuck have you been?" Taehyung said unknowingly still pointing the gun at him.

"Get the gun off my face Tae, that's not how you welcome your long lost husband" the brunette responded instead with a pout.


Taehyung woke up to the sound of the alarm.

He tried stretching his hands to turn it off but was restricted by the weight on his chest. He looked down to meet the face of his angel sleeping so soundly.

He watched the male sleep sounding as he could hear his chest rise and fall on his own chest.

He pushes some strand of hair away from his face to have a better view which caused the younger to move a little smuggling closer to him probably searching for more warmth because he could feel their still naked bodies under the sheets.

He noticed the bruises on the younger's wrist from the restraint he had on him to the bed last night, he brought the wrist to his lips and left a gentle kiss on it silently apologizing for been too rough on him last night.

He doesn't remember how they ended up fucking the whole night because he clearly remember been really furious about him showing up out of no where after those months.

One thing lead to another and they just surrendered to the desire to hold each other after so long and without even talking about anything that had happened ended in bed and here they are after losing count of rounds and falling asleep from exhaustion.

Taehyung manged to get away from the bed without waking the younger.

He had a quick shower and changed up walked to the balcony to make some calls one to hoseok to cancel his schedule for the day and another to his chef to make a big breakfast and bring it to his room.

Kookie is still sleeping and it's 10 am already, Taehyung did not mind as it gave him enough time to look at the younger properly like he didn't last night.

He noticed the younger became more built and toned skin which means he worked out a lot outdoor, his locks look longer and back to its original dark brown color, he traced his eyes through the tattoos on his right arm, memorizing all the details and the stories behind them "where have you been? what happened all this time?" he thought to himself as he kept staring at his bunny.

Just then he heard his door open after hearing two knocks, three maids walked in with trays of food setting up the table, " Master, your breakfast is ready," one of the maid informed and gasp the next second noticing who the sleeping male was.

Taehyung waved them away, which they didn't waste another second and disappeared from the room.

"Baby" He called out to the sleeping male trying to wake him up. "Kitten" he tried again moving some strand of hair away from his face which got the younger to move a little but became still again, if someone else saw this scene they would think the older doesn't really intend on waking the sleeping beauty up.

Meanwhile Jungkook was already awake just enjoying the attention he was receiving but forgot his husband knows him too well.

"I know you are wake, so get up before I pull you up by your hair, don't forget I am still mad at you" he said with monotone voice and he noticed the other open his eyes with a pout

"you are so mean" the younger grumbled in his still sleepy voice "how can you still be mad at me after you almost broke my back last night" the brunette said pulling the sheets higher to cover his face.

"I know. Let me help you to the bathroom" taehyung smiles subtly at the younger's cutest

"I can do it myself" Jungkook responded with a roll of his beautiful eyes trying to sit up but "Fuck!" he caused under his breath falling back into the bed as felt a sharp pain shoot up his spine from his ass.

Taehyung already expecting this gentle passes his right arm under the younger's thighs and the left ones under his back lifting him up effortlessly into his arms walking towards the bathroom. Taehyung gently placed him in the bathtub already filled with warm water and bath bombs "I will be back" he heard the older say before walking out of the bathroom. The younger feels the warm water instantly relaxing his sore muscles and closed his eyes to enjoy the pleasant feeling.

"Take this, it will help with the pain" he heard causing him to open his eyes and saw taehyung passing him a pill and glass of water which he took, swallowing the pill with the glass of water.

The older helped him to wash up and carried him out after opening the facet to drain the water, he wrapped the younger with a bathrobe and carried him out to the bedroom where he placed him on the couch in front of their breakfast with just bathrobe wrapping his naked body.

"Eat" the older said to Jungkook sitting in the couch opposite him.

Jungkook was busy bitting his bottom lips nervously not sure why Taehyung isn't asking him what happened.

"T-tae.." he tried but was cut off by Taehyung

"You should eat! The older responded monotone without looking at the younger helping himself to the grapes on the breakfast set but could still feel the others gaze on him.

"Why ain't you asking me where I have been for the the past eight months?" Jungkook questioned instead

"That's because I know you too well to know that you were given sufficient reason to stay away for that long" the older answered without breaking his attention from his iPad

The younger scoffed at that "like you didn't search the whole planet in search of me even with news and proof of my death"

"I needed to confirm you were actually not in any danger"

"And how did you confirm that?"

He passed the younger his ipad showing series of murders that happened within the last three months, all pictures shows about 6 men shot perfectly in-between their eyes "You always preferred a clean kill, no one could be consistent on their shooting like you are and with the research on the attack eight months ago they fit in the description"

"And did you find anything on who they were" the younger questioned further.

"There is really no lead, it seems like we are after a ghost or something and someone is purposely making sure we don't get any leads..."

"This could be related to my parents death and they are now after me." Jungkook completed with his jaw clenched

The older looked at Jungkook seeing his eyes glassy at the mention on his lost family, he knows how painful those memories caused him.

He walked over to his side of couch pulling the younger into his arms

"Don't worry baby, we will get to the bottom of it this time" he gently said leaving a kiss on top of the younger's head, rubbing smoothen circle on his back to calm him down.

And that's how they had breakfast with jungkook explaining everything from how they were ambushed on their way back that faithful day eight months ago.


Could the kidnap of Jungkook related to his parents murder?

Do ask your questions if anything seen unclear.


1291 words

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