You wanna build a snowman?

756 22 8

Prompt: Snow


The first time Lucy saw snow (properly), she was 3.

She came running down the stairs as fast as her little legs would carry her and into the living room, clambering up onto the sofa and all but jumping on a 9 year old Peter, who had been sat going over the last bit of homework he had to do before the school Holidays began.

"It's snowing!" She exclaimed happily.

Peter chuckled, lowering his book and pencil. "Your first snow day that you can actually enjoy." He said with a bright smile. "Of course we must make the most of it. Let's give it half an hour and see if it settles, and if it does, we can go and build a snowman."

Lucy beamed at her older brother, watching as he smiled down at her. "Has it snowed before?" She asked suddenly.

Peter nodded. "It snowed when you were 1." He said. "But of course you don't remember."

Lucy chuckled. "Of course." She said with a nod.

Peter smiled. He had always been so mature for his age, acting like a ten year old at the age of seven, and practically a fifteen year old at the age of nine, which he was now. Their mother and father had always been slightly worried that Peter was just throwing away his childhood in an attempt to help look after his siblings, and whilst he perhaps was, Peter didn't have a problem with that whatsoever, his siblings meant everything to him, and if he had to throw away his childhood so his siblings could have the best childhood they could, well in his eyes so be it.

Although of course there were still some days he allowed himself to act his age and have some fun... and today was one of those days.

He stood from the sofa, lifting Lucy up and placing her on the ground, kneeling in front of her. "You need to grab your hat, scarf and gloves if you want to go and play outside in the snow though." He told her. "Or you'll get cold."

Lucy nodded enthusiastically. "I can do that." She said, before dashing into the hallway.

Peter smiled a bit, and after packing away his homework he wandered up the stairs to the girls room, where he found Susan, sat reading Little Women.

"It's snowing if you wanna come outside?" He asked. "Lucy's rather excited."

Susan smiled, nodding. "Let me finish this chapter." She said. "I'm nearly done."

Peter nodded back before heading to his own room, where Edmund was, staring out the window. "It's snowing!" He said happily, grinning like the 5 year old he was.

Peter smiled at him. "It is, we're all going outside when it's settled if you wanna come?" He said.

"Obviously." Edmund said, playfully rolling his eyes as he ran across the room, out the door and down the stairs.

"Don't run down the stairs!" Peter called after him, sighing before heading down, spotting Lucy struggling with her scarf. "Here." He said gently, helping her out.



Their Mum popped her head around the kitchen door, smiling as she wiped her hand on her apron. "You've got an hour before tea." She told them. "Don't get too cold."

Peter nodded, opening the door, and no surprise Edmund was the first one outside, instantly rushing off to no doubt make some snowballs to throw at his older brother.

Peter grabbed Lucy's hand and led her outside, glad to see that the snow was slowly settling on the grass and the houses and anything else nearby.

"It's so... white." Lucy said, blinking as snowflakes landed on her eyelashes.

Peter laughed just as Susan stepped outside, pulling her coat tightly around her, she always got colder than the others, Peter and Lucy at least. Edmund always got extremely cold in the snow, although he'd never admit it until his teeth were chattering and his lips had gone blue, that was what had happened last time it had snowed, 2 years ago, Peter had nearly had a heartattack when he had seen how cold Edmund was. He had been left to warm him up seeming as their Mum was dealing with a one year old Lucy after she'd woken from a nap, their Dad was at work and Susan was busy with homework. It had taken forever to warm him up again, so this time Peter was determined to keep a close eye on him, just in case.

"So." Peter murmered, taking a deep breath and shivering a little. "You wanna build a snowman?" 

Lucy thought about this for a moment before smiling and nodding her head. "Yeah." She said happily.

Peter chuckled quietly before bending down to start rolling the body, before he was all of a sudden pelted in the face with a snowball. 

He knew without even looking up who had thrown it, and was proved right when he heard the laugh of his younger brother. "Don't try it Ed." He said after a moment or two. 

Edmund froze with another snowball in his hand, his mouth dropping open. "How did you know I was gonna throw another one!" He exclaimed. "You're not even looking at me?!"

Peter smirked, continuing to make the snowman. "Because I know you all too well Ed." He replied. 

Edmund rolled his eyes dramatically, before turning to Susan. 

"No." She said quickly, ducking behind Peter who just laughed. 

Although Edmund got quite a shock when he was hit with a snowball, granted it wasn't very hard and only hit him in the stomach, but he still stared at Lucy in shock.

His little sister was laughing so hard she was almost sat on the ground, and the sight of the smile on her face made Edmund smile too, before bending down and grabbing some snow. 

"No!" Lucy shrieked, diving behind Peter. 

Peter raised an eyebrow and turned to face both his sisters. "What am I some sort of human shield?" He muttered, just as he was hit in the back with a snowball. "Right." He murmered, swinging around and making a dash for his brother, pulling them both down into the snow. 

"Peter!" Edmund cried in surprise, getting a mouthful of snow and instantly trying to spit it out. "I hate you." He grumbled, but he was smirking, if only a little, as Peter slowly sat up and went back to his snowman. 

It took a while, but eventually the snowman was built, and Lucy hurried inside to find a hat, scarf and gloves to put on it. 

Peter picked her up so she could place the hat on its head and wrap the scarf around its neck, before the two stood back to admire their creation. 

"It's head's a bit lopsided." Lucy said, tilting her own head to the left.

Peter laughed slightly, before turning to see what Edmund and Susan were doing. 

Susan had settled on the backdoor step with her book, and Edmund had made a whole pile of snowballs, and was currently grinning at Peter. 

"If you dare-"

"Dinner's ready!" 

Edmund's face fell and Peter smirked. "Looks like you aren't gonna be able to use those snowballs after all." He said, before grabbing Lucy's hand. "Come on Lu," He breathed. "Let's get you warmed up."

The two headed back towards the house, but Peter froze when something cold, hard and wet slammed into the back of his head, and even though he was slightly surprised that his five year old brother had such a good aim, he couldn't help but feel annoyed, but it was a playful annoyed. 

And as Edmund burst into laughter behind him, he sighed. 


One shot 1/25 😂

Yeah, I'm writing 25 one shots this month, one every day until Christmas 🎄🎅

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