It's always me

255 15 7

Prompt: Cold


Peter sighed a little as he wandered down the corridors, his cloak wrapped tightly around him seeming as it was pretty cold.

He was heading upstairs to wake Edmund up, his brother had been up late the night before working on some law or something so Peter had let him sleep in, but now it was coming up to lunch time and he decided to at least try and get him out of bed, or he'd never sleep that night.

He thought maybe the idea of some sword-fighting practice would be enough to get Edmund out of bed, it wasn't snowing just yet, but with December fast approaching it was only a matter of time before it did, and with his little brother's hatred of the white stuff, Peter knew they'd have to make the most of it.

He entered his and his brother's room, finding Edmund still in bed, under the covers with his face buried against the pillows.

"Come on Ed." Peter said with a chuckle. "You're so lazy."

He pulled the blankets off his brother before wandering around to grab his sword which was leaning against his wardrobe, before turning back to Edmund, only to frown. "Ed?" He murmered.

Edmund's eyes were squeezed shut and he'd pulled his knees up to his chin, shivering noticeably and rather pale, but he was sweating.

"Ed, are you okay?" Peter asked, hurrying over and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Edmund swallowed hard. "I - I'm cold." He whispered.

Peter covered him in the blankets again, tucking them under his chin and sighing. "Do you feel okay?" He asked.

Edmund only shook his head in reply, his eyes eventually flickering open.

Peter frowned, placing the back of his hand to Edmund's forehead, biting his lip at how high his temperature was. "I'm gonna fine a healer." He mumbled. "Wait here."

"Pete?" Edmund asked, grabbing his brother's hand quickly. "Can - Can you find another blanket?"

"Yeah sure." Peter said with a nod, rushing over to the wardrobe and grabbing a thick blanket, laying it over his brother and leaning down to place a kiss to his forehead. He was kind of worried when Edmund didn't react at all and just sighed, and swallowed hard. "I'll be back in a minute." He told him gently. "Promise."

Edmund nodded, sighing a little as he watched Peter leave, shivering hard and feeling well and truly sick.


"It's just a winter sickness." The healer reassured a very worried looking Peter. "He should be okay within a week or so, just keep him warm and hydrated, and I would recommend a lot of rest and a damp, cold cloth to his forehead, try and bring down his temperature a bit. Also, he will probably have nightmares, fever dreams, so just keep an eye on him."

Peter stared at the healer, taking a deep breath before nodding. "Thank you." He breathed, sitting down beside his brother with a sigh.

The healer bowed his head before quietly leaving the room, leaving just Peter and Edmund.

"You okay?" Peter asked softly.

Edmund sighed. "I'm still cold." He grumbled, closing his eyes.

Peter stared at him, he was laying on his back, three blankets covering him and he was still saying he was cold.

"But you're sweating?" Peter questioned, running a hand through his brother's slightly damp hair.

"I know." Edmund breathed. "But you know what illnesses are like, they make no sense."

Peter managed a quiet chuckle at Edmund's attempted smirk, before walking across the room to get the fire going.

Once he had he grabbed another blanket from his own bed before giving it to Edmund, giving him a small smile as he sat back down.

"He said I'm probably gonna have nightmares." Edmund whispered after a long while of silence, sounding scared.

Peter sighed. "I'll stay with you okay?" He told him, voice firm... he meant it. "I promise."

Edmund gave him a weak smile. "Thank you." He mumbled. "I feel really sick."

Peter sighed sadly. "No offence but you look it." He said with a small smirk.

Edmund managed to smirk back, shaking his head. "None taken." he whispered.

"Do you want me to go and find you something to eat?" Peter asked slowly. "You missed breakfast and it's lunch time now."

But Edmund shook his head. "I don't feel very hungry." He sighed.

Peter sighed sadly. "You sure?" He murmered.

Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He whispered, snuggling further down under the covers.

Peter bit his lip, placing the back of his hand to Edmunds forehead. "Of course it was you who got sick." He teased.

Edmund sighed. "It's always me." He mumbled.

Peter nodded, knowing he was right.

"Just snuggle under the covers." Peter told him. "You'll get better soon don't worry."

"Wish I wasn't so cold."

Peter smiled weakly, placing his hand on Edmunds shoulder. "You'll soon warm up." He said gently. "Don't worry."


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