Face your fears

383 18 7

Prompt: Ice-Skating


2nd (natural) Winter in Narnia

"The lake has frozen over!" Lucy said happily, smiling up at Peter. "You reckon we can go Ice-Skating?"

Peter smiled, taking off his crown and placing it on his desk. "I don't see why not." He said with a shrug. "Just make sure you wrap up warm." 

"You reckon Edmund will come?" Lucy asked slowly, sounding a little upset.

Peter sighed. "He might." He breathed. "Why don't you go ask him?" 

"Okay." Lucy murmered. "And I'll ask Susan too." With that she left the room in search of her other siblings, easily finding Edmund in the library, curled up in front of the fire with a blanket and a book, a cup of hot chocolate on the table beside his chair. "Ed?"She asked quietly, not wanting to make him jump seeming as he was clearly so into his book. 

He looked up at the voice and smiled a little. "Hey Lu." He murmered. "What's up?"

Lucy hesitated a little, before taking a deep breath. "I was wondering if you wanted to come Ice-Skating with me and Peter, and maybe Susan?" She said with a small shrug. "Of course you don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought it might be fun." 

Edmund stared at her for a moment before glancing out the window at the snow covered forest. He swallowed hard, turning back to Lucy after a moment or two before taking a deep breath. "Sure." He choked. "Why not." 

Lucy was slightly shocked at this. "Edmund you really don't have to." She sighed, shaking her head. 

"No, come on." Edmund said slowly, placing down his book and standing. "What did Dad always say? Face your fears, so let's go ice-skating, promise I'll be fine." 

Lucy stared up at him for a moment before smiling gently and nodding. "Okay." She breathed. "Come on then." 


Half an hour later the four Pevensies were outside by the lake, Lucy eagerly putting her ice-skates on, Peter watching her with a smile, Susan slowly putting her skates, and Edmund just stood staring at the frozen lake. 

"You okay?" Peter murmered, walking over and placing a hand gently on his brother's shoulder. 

Edmund glanced up at him and shrugged. "Dunno." He choked, voice nothing more than a whisper. 

Peter sighed sadly. "You can go back inside if you want you know." He told him, voice soft and understanding. 

But Edmund took a deep breath and shook his head. "I'll be fine." He muttered. "Besides, I'll never get over this fear if I don't try." 

Peter gave him a look of pride before Edmund bent down to put on his ice-skates, slowly joining Lucy on the ice despite how cold he already was. 

Peter and Susan joined them not long after, and Peter immediately headed over to Lucy to help her seeming as it looked like she might fall over at any minute. 

Susan began gracefully skating around a little, and Edmund stood there for a moment, before joining her, after all it wasn't like he was bad at ice-skating. 

"Alright?" Peter chuckled as he caught Lucy.

Lucy just laughed. "Yeah I'm good." She said happily. "I can do it."

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