It wasn't my idea

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Prompt: Snowman


"Can you come and build a snowman with me?"

Edmund glanced down at his four year old sister, smiling. "Sounds like fun" He said with a grin. "I have nothing else to do."

Lucy happily ran into the hallway to grab her coat, hat, scarf and gloves before rushing outside, Edmund following closely behind her, wrapped up warm for the fear of Peter or Susan having a go at him for not being "sensible"

"You start the head, I'll do the body." Edmund said, already setting about rolling up the snow the their back garden.

Lucy nodded and began her task, and after that came the task of getting the head onto the body.

It took both of them, but they eventually did it, Lucy grinning proudly at the snowman.

"Go grab a hat, scarf and gloves." Edmund said quickly, finding two sticks for its arms.

Lucy rushed back inside, spotting Peter's hanging up, so with a mischievous smirk she grabbed them and headed back outside, holding them out to her older brother.

"Aren't they Peter's?" He asked, frowning.

"Yeah." Lucy said with a laugh. "Peter the snowman."

Edmund chuckled, placing the hat on the snowmans head, the scarf around his neck, and the gloves on his "hands."

"The most perfect snowman ever." Edmund said with a firm nod, and Lucy couldn't agree more.

"What are you two doing?!"

Edmund looked up, spotting Peter at their bedroom window. "We built a snowman!" He called up.

"Come see!" Lucy said excitedly.

Peter laughed. "I'm coming." He said, disappearing into the house.

They waited for a few minutes, before Peter came out, frowning. "You haven't seen my-" He stopped talking and gave his two younger siblings an unimpressed look after seeing the snowman. "Why are my hat, scarf and gloves on the snowman?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

"Because we named the snowman after you." Lucy laughed, grinning. "So we had to use yours."

"Well now I'm cold." Peter muttered, shivering.

"But Peter will get cold if we take them off him." Lucy said firmly, teasing.

"Well the real Peter is gonna freeze in a minute if he doesn't get them back." Peter said with a smirk.

"Oh Peter," Edmund said, shaking his head and smirking. "You're always telling me to wrap up warm, and look at you, stood there in nothing more than a coat."

Peter glared playfully at his younger brother. "I appear to have been robbed." He snapped jokingly. "And the two thieves will pay, I promise you that."

Edmund chuckled, and Lucy gasped in mock horror, before the three heard the door open.

"Peter, aren't you cold?" Susan muttered, wandering over with a frown on her face.

"Yes, I am." Peter replied. "But Edmund and Lucy stole my hat to put on their snowman."

Susan chuckled a little, but shook her head. "Come on you two, give them back or Peter will catch a cold." She told them, as usual sounding a lot more grown up than she was.

Lucy didn't seem to like the idea of Peter getting sick so handed him the hat, followed by the scarf and the gloves, which Peter glady took.

"Thank you." He breathed. "Now I'm warm."

"Why don't you use Dad's scarf and stuff." Susan suggested. "He's not using them at the moment."

"Good idea." Lucy said, before once again hurrying back inside the house.

Peter turned to Edmund, his eyebrow raised. "Peter the snowman?" He laughed.

Edmund glared at him, but he was smirking. "Not my idea." He said firmly. "And believe it or not, it wasn't my idea to use your hat either."


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