He'd love that

211 16 3

Prompt: Cookies


"Can I help?"

Susan glanced down to find her younger sister stood beside her, peering up at the cookies she was currently making. She smiled, nodding her head. "You can find me the chocolate chips." She said. "I have have idea where anything is in this kitchen."

"It is a rather big kitchen." Lucy agreed. "But then again, it's a castle so..." She trailed off as she went in search of the chocolate chips, eventually finding them in a cupboard and returning returning Susan, who was currently mixing the ingredients in a bowl.

"Oh perfect." She said when Lucy handed them to her. "Thanks."

Lucy smiled. "How come you're making cookies anyway?" She asked. "It's too early to be making them for Christmas day."

Susan smiled sadly. "Edmunds not feeling great." She breathed. "I thought I'd cheer him up a bit."

Lucys face fell. "Did - did you hear him last night?" She whispered.

Susan sighed. "Yeah." She mumbled.

"He's having so many nightmares recently." Lucy said, sounding very upset.

"It's understandable I guess." Susan murmered. "And we were all expecting it, this is the first winter since the witch, he was bound to have some some of reaction to it."

Lucy was silent for a while, nodding her head before she took a deep breath. "Well, im sure cookies are the best way to cheer him up." She said somewhat firmly.

Susan chuckled softly. "Of course they are."


The two finished the batch of cookies together, and once they were cooked Susan lay them all on a plate, dusting them with a bit of icing sugar as a finishing touch.

"Looks festive." Lucy said with a smile, her eyes shining like they always did when she was excited.

"Come on." Susan breathed. "Let's find Ed whilst they're still hot."

Lucy nodded in agreement and the two went off in search of their brother.

"You reckon he'll be in his room?" Lucy asked.

"That's where I was gonna check first." Susan agreed, walking slowly up the marble staircase.

They reached their brothers room a few minutes later and quietly opened the door, stepping inside to find Peter sat at his desk with a pencil in his hand and Edmund laying in bed, fast asleep.

Peter turned and looked over when he heard the door, smiling gently when he saw his sisters. "You okay?" He asked.

Susan nodded, closing the door as quietly as she could. "We're okay." She whispered. "Is Ed?"

Peter sighed, turning to face Edmund for a moment before speaking. "He's just tired." He murmered. "He hasn't been getting much sleep recently."

"We've heard." Lucy sighed, Peter turning back to stare at her. "But me and Susan baked some cookies to try and cheer him up."

Peter smiled gently. "I'm sure he'll like that very much." He said, keeping his voice quiet.

His eyes closed though for a second when Edmund shifted in his bed, letting out something between a gasp and a groan, his eyes squeezing tight shut.

Abandoning his paperwork Peter headed over to his younger brother, sitting carefully down on the edge of the bed and managing to shake Edmund awake before his dream got any worse.

Edmund stared at him, taking a deep breath. "Pete?" He whispered.

Peter smiled gently at him. "You okay?" He asked.

Edmund hesitated but in the end nodded. "Yeah." He breathed. "Thanks." He rubbed at his eyes as he slowly sat up, leaning against the headboard with a yawn.


Edmund looked up when Susan and Lucy walked over, smiling weakly at them both. "Yeah?"

"We made you some cookies." Lucy said slowly, hope in her eyes as she held out the plate.

Edmund chuckled gently. "They look delicious." He breathed.

Peter moved out the way, sitting beside his brother so Lucy could sit in front of him and hand him the plate.

Edmund glady took a cookie, resting his head tiredly against Peter's shoulder as he ate. "They're delicious." He all but whispered, giving his sisters a grateful smile.

"We hoped they might cheer you up a bit." Susan said softly. "Seeming as you've been feeling a little out of sorts."

"Well it worked." Edmund chuckled. "I'm feeling better already."

Peter stared down at him  noticing the way he was trying his hardest to stay awake. "Have another one and then get back to sleep." He murmered. "We'll wake you for dinner."

Edmund glanced up at him, seeing the knowing look in his eyes before nodding and taking another cookie, slowly eating it before all but falling asleep on Peter's shoulder.

Peter rested his cheek on the top of his head, sighing a little. "I'm right here." He whispered. "If you dream, we're all right here to wake you up."

Edmund seemed to smile a little, before he well and truly fell asleep, face relaxing.

"He looks so peacful." Susan murmered after at least five minutes of silence.

"Wonder how long it'll last." Peter said bitterly but quietly.

"He'll be okay Peter." Susan said gently. "I'm sure he'll be fine."

"And if he isn't, we'll just bake him some more cookies." Lucy said with a small smile.

Peter chuckled gently at this, placing a kiss to the top of his sleeping brother's head. "I'm sure he'd love that."


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