Traitor King

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Prompt: Christmas tree



Edmund glanced up from his book, frowning over at his older brother who had just popped his head around the door. "Yeah?" He asked. 

Peter smiled a little. "You don't reckon you could help bring in the Christmas tree do you?" He asked. "I've got a meeting to go to and Susan and Lucy are busy too."

"Sure, I can do that." Edmund said with a nod, marking his place in his book and placing it on the bedside table. 

"Thanks." Peter breathed. "A couple fauns will bring it in and one's gonna stay to set it up with you. You don't have to decorate it, Lucy asked if we could wait to do that." 

Edmund laughed a little. "Course she did." He murmered, standing from the bed and walking slowly over to Peter. 

"It's the tree in the throne room so they'll be down there." Peter told Edmund as the two headed down the corridor. 

"Okay." Edmund breathed, nodding a little. 

"Perhaps it'll get your mind off..." Peter paused. "Well you know." 

Edmund nodded again, taking a deep breath. "Yeah." He breathed. "Thanks." 

"I'll see you at dinner?" Peter suggested as he stopped outside a door. 

Edmund smiled a little. "See you at dinner." He agreed, heading off towards the throne room.

He arrived a minute later, spotting a couple of fauns laying the rather large tree on the ground. 

"King Peter sent me to help you out." Edmund said, walking over. 

One of the fauns bowed, smiling. "Very generous of you." He said quietly. "Two of us are gonna stay and help you, the others have other stuff to do." 

"Totally fine." Edmund said with a cheery grin. 

"If you're able to help us stand the tree up?" One faun asked as the others left, leaving Edmund and two fauns. 

"Course." Edmund breathed. "Rather large tree." he commented, It was his first Christmas in Narnia, and the size of the trees and the amount of decorations blew him away. 

The faun gave him a tight smile as he bent down to grab the tree. "This isn't even the biggest one." He said with a small laugh. "That one will go in the ballroom." 

Edmund smiled a little, grabbing part of the trunk and helping the faun to stand it up, the other faun brushing away all the pine needles that had covered the marble floor. 

He stood up straight once it was standing, glancing out the window and shuddering at the falling snow, but he took a deep breath and turned back to the tree, staring up at it. 

"Lucy wants us to wait to decorate it." Edmund said with a small laugh, before turning to one of the fauns, who was stood behind him, staring at him, at this made Edmund frown. "What is it?" He asked. 

The faun did nothing for a while, before he pulled a dagger from his sheath, not saying a word. 

Edmund swallowed hard, turning and spotting the other faun, slowly walking towards him with a knife. "What - What's going on?" He asked, trying to stop his voice shaking when he realised he didn't have his sword. 

One faun smirked. "We're ridding Narnia of it's traitor King." He muttered. "What does it look like's going on?" 

Edmund bit his lip, slowly shaking his head... he had nowhere to run. "Please." He murmered, shocked and scared at the same time. 

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