Home for Christmas

145 14 5

Prompt: Home


"Why here of all places?" Edmund all but whispered, glancing slowly around and trying to put on a brave face, but he knew that Peter could see right through him. 

Peter turned from where he had been stood in front of the cell doors, sighing as he wandered over to sit beside his brother. "Makes sense." He mumbled with a small shrug. "They worked for the witch."

"You know, five years later and I didn't expect this place to still be here." Edmund grumbled, shaking his head a little. 

Peter nodded. "Maybe it's magic." He guessed. "Like, it can't melt."

Edmund had to agree with that, after all it sounded like something Jadis would do. 

"I just wanna go home." He whispered, resting his head on his older brother shoulder. "I know I shouldn't be reacting like this, I'm seventeen, but I really don't like this place." 

"Ed don't say that," Peter sighed. "It doesn't matter how old you are, you're in the one place that scares you the most, and no doubt brings up some rather unpleasant memories."

"You can say that again." Edmund grumbled, shivering slightly. "It's Christmas eve tomorrow." He whispered after a long while of silence. 

"And we'll be home by Christmas Ed." Peter reassured him. "I promise." 

Edmund shook his head. "How?!" He choked. "There's no way out of here, trust me, I know." 

"What do you mean?" Peter murmered. 

"When I was here because of the witch," Edmund murmered. "She made it her mission to constantly remind me that there was no escape."

Peter sighed, looking rather upset but taking a deep breath. "She's gone." He breathed. 

"Well, her followers clearly aren't." Edmund grumbled. 

Peter glanced back towards the door. "Why did that hag even want us anyway?" He wondered aloud. 

"Your guess is as good as mine." Edmund sighed, before taking a deep breath. "I just wanna go home." He whispered again.

"Really you two...?"

Both their heads snapped up at Susan's voice, to find her stood on the other side of the door. 

"Susan?!" Peter breathed. 

"You two okay?" Susan asked, dropping her smirk and turning serious. 

"Yeah we're okay." Peter sighed. "Just wanna go home."

"Well lucky for you that hag is dead." Susan told them, unlocking the doors with the keys she had. 

"You killed her?" 

"Lucy did actually." Susan corrected, hurrying over to her brothers. "Sometimes I forget how good of an aim she has with a dagger." 

Peter smiled a little at this. "Thanks for coming after us." He breathed. 

"Well we weren't just gonna leave you here were we?" Susan said gently. "Now come on, let's see if we can get home for Christmas." 

"Ed, you reckon you could stand?" Peter asked hesitantly. 

Susan frowned, looking worried. "Why wouldn't he be able to stand?" She asked, her voice sharp. 

Peter sighed. "He tried to fight off the hag, only to get thrown against a tree." He muttered. "I think it's safe to safe his ribs are well and truly broken." 

Susan sighed. "I asked Lucy to stay in the throne room." She murmered. "I could go and grab her quickly-"

"No, I don't need the cordial." Edmund cut her off. 

"Ed..." Peter whispered. 

"No, my ribs will heal by themselves." Edmund interrupted. "Now, just help me stand." 

Peter knew there was no point in arguing so just stood, helping Edmund carefully to his feet. 

Edmund wasn't able to keep back a gasp of pain, but after a while he gave a weak smile. "Now come on." He breathed. "I wanna be home by Christmas."


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