An escape

182 14 2

Prompt: Memories



nyone else would say memories are a wonderful thing, but not Edmund. No, his memories were the opposite of a wonderful thing, and as he sat, staring out the window at the snow, that's all he could think about. 

He could remember so vividly her face, her voice, her cold touch, her smirk, her laugh. He remembered the pain, the fear, the cold all as if it had happened yesterday, and he hated it. 

He couldn't sleep at night because of the memories, coming to him whether he was awake or asleep, they just wouldn't seem to leave him. 

He'd been worried about his first winter in Narnia, wondering if he would react to it in any way to it, and it was safe to say he was definitely reacting. 

He hated it, he hated the snow, the cold, he hated night, when he would have to go through nightmare after nightmare, he just hated it all, and there seemed to be no escape. 


Well, maybe there was one escape. 

Peter seemed to be the only one who could calm him, who could comfort him after a nightmare and make the memories disappear, if only for a few hours. 

Peter had stuck by his side throughout the whole winter, helping him through it as best he could, and Edmund had never been more grateful. 

"Ed, you okay?" 

He felt the bed dip beside him, and slowly turned his head, coming face to face with a very worried looking older brother. "Just - just thinking." He all but whispered. 

Peter sighed, pulling Edmund close. "Don't." He whispered, placing a gentle kiss to the top of his head. "Don't think Ed, just let it all go, it's all over and there's no need to keep replaying it in your head."

Edmund buried his face against Peter's chest, this was his escape, the one thing that could make him forget, the escape that made him feel comforted, this was the only place he felt truly safe during such a long winter, and that place was his older brother's arms. His brother meant everything to him, he was his rock, his shield, his comfort, and he could never, ever, thank him enough.


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