Christmas in Narnia

177 12 2

Prompt: A Narnian Christmas


A Narnian Christmas was so much better than an English Christmas, in so many ways.

In England, it had been cold, bitter. Rain instead of snow most of the time and dark skies.
In Narnia, yes it was cold, but it was crisp, snow coating the woods and the castle, bright, wintery skies overhead.

In England, during the war, food had been rationed, barely enough to go around, only just enough to fill them up.
In Narnia, great feasts, more food than you could name, the most delicious things anyone had ever tasted.

I'm England, a small tree in the corner of the living room, pretty but small, presents underneath, easily able to peak and see who's was who's.
In Narnia, huge trees in every room, presents piling up underneath the main one in the great hall and the one in the Pevensies living room, some buried underneath others, therefore unable to see who's was who's.

In England, a small family get together, last time without their father, food and games and laughter, singing around the piano maybe, just the six, or five of them.
In Narnia, parties that continued well into the night, noise and laughter and singing and dancing. Hundreds of people joining in, making Christmas all the merrier.

In England, Santa Clause is just some story made up, he's not real,
But in Narnia, the jolly man visits every year, and more than once has shown himself, but of course that didn't didn't too often.

In England, a small but cosy bed to fall into at the end of a long day, slightly cold but not too much.
In Narnia, one huge bed for them all to climb into after the joy filled day (Usally Peter's), all tired beyond words. Snuggling down together underneath the covers, warm thanks to the fire that had only recently been put out.

Christmas in England was enjoyable, happy, cosy, but it had its downsides.

Christmas in Narnia however, was magical, simply, wonderfully magical, and nothing could ever replace it.

And that's the end! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! Hope everyone has/had the best day!! Love you all and thanks for reading all these one shots 😂❄🎄🥰🍫❤🥳🧣🍾

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