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Nora slumped lazily, leaning her head against the window mesmerised by the Tuscan countryside as it flew by them

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Nora slumped lazily, leaning her head against the window mesmerised by the Tuscan countryside as it flew by them. Childishly she was ignoring Bella and Alice, left to her own devices to admire the vineyards and lush green hills. It was glorious, like nothing she'd ever seen before. Of course she'd travelled to many places in the States but it didn't hold a candle to the rustic beauty of Italy.

They had explained vaguely why they were here- something about Edgar? Edward. Whatever his name was.

From what she cared to remember about the parasite that was her sisters ex—boyfriend, they were here to stop him committing suicide, which he was only dramatically doing because he thought Bella had died from her little cliff diving incident.

What was baffling Nora was how he and Alice for that matter knew about it. She was sure no one in Forks liked the two siblings enough to go out of their way to tell them, and in any case the timing didn't add up whatsoever. Bella had only just done it before she got home, so how the hell did Edward know?

She was getting off track, there were other issues at present; like Edward apparently having a flare for the dramatics, something Nora didn't like or appreciate one bit. What right did he have to react so drastically over something so tedious?

She was only so angry because he hadn't cared about Bella this whole time, he didn't even check in on her at all but still, he played the facade of devotion for Bella so perfectly he was willing to do something like this. No, she didn't buy it.

It was so wrong and so disgusting. Bella had been almost chronically depressed, left lonely and heartbroken when he had up and abandoned her and though she brushed it off, Nora had a sneaking suspicion that her cliff jump had been something along the lines of a suicide attempt and that made Nora despise him all the more.

Yet here they were. Off to save Edward the minute he's in trouble. It was so aggravating that Nora fumed to herself over the matter, knowing she was the only one of the three women in the stolen car who felt this way.

'What a load of bullshit. I don't want him to do something that drastic but he deserves to feel the hurt he's caused Bella, even if it's just a fraction of her pain.'

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now