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Nora was stirred awake, very much against her will, by the sound of people talking–people who were being rude and not respecting the fact she needed her sleep

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Nora was stirred awake, very much against her will, by the sound of people talking–people who were being rude and not respecting the fact she needed her sleep. A sleepy Nora was a grouchy Nora and that meant bad things for everyone.

It was a shame, really, to be woken up just then.

She'd been in the middle of a pleasant dream. A long, detailed replay about her time with Aro that she hadn't wanted to wake from. Come on, who would when fantasizing about such a gorgeous man?

Immediately, the main voice doing all the talking was unmistakeable. Caius. His nastiness was like no one else's...he was like no one else. That was not meant necessarily in a good or bad way, he'd be loath to learn.

To her advantage he did not have his brother's tactile telepathy or the very dead Fuckward's skill to hear thoughts from a distance. If he did then a lot of the time she would find herself in trouble with him for her rude thoughts.

"My wicked, wicked brother. You are a sneaky one. As soon as we're away this is what you do, hm? How very noble." He announced tempestuously.

From the sounds of heavy footsteps stomping along the carpet, he was striding back and forth in a restless and continuous pattern that was beginning to get on her nerves. It wouldn't be long before he wore holes in the floor and Nora could not decide if he was mad or amused by his tone alone, but she really had no desire to open her eyes to check. She was too tired and too comfortable.

"What are you trying to imply exactly?" Aro rebutted with irritation. Nora felt a short burst of surprise when she could feel him speaking, the vibrations of his ridiculously pleasant voice coming from under her.

Her cheek was lay on his bare chest and rather adorably he had her wrapped in a soothing and warm embrace, which was odd when taking into account that he was frigidly cold. One of his arms was under her, the other holding up the covers he had pulled all the way to her neck to hide her still naked body.

Caius laughed at him. It was a sound too pointed and brusque to be happy, harsh like the crack of a whip, more on the deriding end of the spectrum. In fact if anything it was one of jealousy.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now