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Emmett stood from his braced position, loose earth, twigs and leaves pooled around his feet. His face was set into a hard mask, no mercy to be found and such a look on him was wrong. He was the eternal jokester of his family, as Nora had witnessed for herself, but it was good to know they were taking her sister's safety seriously.

There was nothing humorous about the megalomaniac redhead who wanted to display Bella's head on a spike.

The clearing the Cullens had taken them to was an open space with masses of soil, surrounded by a thick legion of trees that made the scene secluded and private. There were some fallen lumbering furrs and elms, scattered branches from their collision with the ground, smatterings of wooden debris.

Nora had been informed by Carlisle at her obvious bewilderment with the scene that Emmett and Jasper used it to brawl with one another as they were doing now. The chaos made a lot of sense, in retrospect.

Watching the ongoing fight between them from her sitting position on one of those fallen trees, a mesmerized Bella at her side, Nora too was ensnared by the sight before them. She'd never seen vampires fight. She'd seen the unpretty aftermath of tattered limbs and pools of venom, but never had she witnessed two immortals duel.

Their movements were too fast, too accurate for her human eyes to keep up with. What she could see was scary. A puny word and one that was sure to lose all meaning when she would get to witness the Volturi fight, but yes. It was scary. The aggression, the snarling and the bating, the sounds when they clashed into one another–like two rolling boulders smashing head on.

In the face of such superhuman abilities, Nora felt her mortality. She felt weak.

Emmett rushed at Jasper and the Major spread his arms in invitation with a smile on his face. It all looked so natural to him, but then again why wouldn't it? Before the two had chosen each other to spar, he'd given the newcomers a little taster of the first years of his supernatural rebirth. Used as a pawn in territory games. It was sad, to say the least, about enduring that much emotional damage in the newness of his newborn life; it had sounded horrific, that fights such as this had once upon a time been his norm.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now