~New story!~

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Hey guys! Sorry for the slow updates on GOLDEN DREAM. I am currently writing chapter 13: part 2 but I have two other stories that I'm trying to update regularly so it's hard😂 rest assured though part 2 will be out very very soon! ☺️

Now, on the subject of other stories, I have a new Volturi kings one out!

It's set after breaking dawn though I don't specify what year it is cause' I wanted some mystery

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It's set after breaking dawn though I don't specify what year it is cause' I wanted some mystery. It involves the Cullens heavily and is more fast paced then GOLDEN DREAM. The protagonist is a Korean American woman; I wanted to show some representation since there's not enough stories involving Asian woman, so I hope to all of you who are that you feel seen☺️

WARNING: it does contain very dark and graphic themes like my other books so be warned of that if you can't handle these types of things; I do put TW if there's going to be anything that might upset people so I hope that reassures you.

So, without further ado, here's and excerpt so you can get the vibe of the story! Enjoy babies and let me know what you think, if you like it please head on over and give it a read, I'd really appreciate it! Ciao! 🖤


Alice sucked in a deep breath of air, tapping the tip of her pointer finger on the table in an annoying rhythm. "Like a explained earlier, I have a certain gift-the ability to see the future." Nari was fascinated by this. Vampires were crazy enough but vampires with superpowers? If it was true it was pretty fucking cool.

Tapping it faster she continued. "A couple of years ago I had a sudden string of strange visions-one was particularly nasty; of gore, blood and screams. A home invasion I believe but I'm not entirely sure." Nari paled, skin going as white as a sheet. This couldn't be, there was no way that Alice could know.

Alice took Nari's silence as a sign to continue. "I've been alive for quite a long time but it was honestly one of the most gruesome visions I'd ever had. In the centre of all that carnage was a petite sixteen year old girl huddled in the corner of the bed, absolutely terrified; forced to watch as her parents were essentially tortured in front of her."

Nari was shaking now but defiantly she wouldn't let the tears that glinted in her eyes fall, staying strong for now as Alice recounted the dark tale she had unwillingly been a part of.

"The most heartbreaking part for me was when that sixteen year old tried everything she could to save them. Such a young age but you were so brave, Nari. Those people, though, were...sick individuals. They didn't care who they hurt, or why-so long as they could fulfil their sick goal. So, they started with your father, beating him so bloody that you would later say there was hardly anything left to recognise."

Nari flinched, eyes screwed shut tightly. She resisted but ultimately the bruised and swollen bloody face of her father appeared in her mind like a ghostly apparition, his eyes screaming for help while those malignant men ruthlessly punched and kicked him. Those same eyes haunted her, taunted her. There was no escape-they stared back at her in the mirror everyday.

Already too much for her she muttered quietly. "Stop."

Alice either hadn't heard her or just didn't care. They'd started now, there was no point in stopping until Nari knew she was telling the truth. It was crucial she be warned about what was to come; that had to start here.

It pained Alice to see the effects her words were having in her. She didn't want to hurt the girl but she had asked for proof and she would have to continue to be the bearer of bad news.

"Finally, after hours of pain they ended it with a gunshot to both of their heads. Miraculously, you were left mostly unharmed, traumatised and alone when the police found you. This led to years of guilt and paranoia. Why didn't they hurt you? Or kill you? Why did you get to live when your parents didn't? What did you all do to deserve this? The truth is, Nari, we don't deserve anything that happens to us in life. Despite what we wish and how we act, it will still happen regardless, there's nothing we can do to hinder or prevent it. I think that's what broke you. To know that there is no reason or cause as to what befalls us in our lives. What did you do, Nari? When you just couldn't take it anymore?"

Dread shot through her, stomach clenching with nausea at Alice's seemingly harmless question. There was absolutely no way she could know about that. She had never told anyone about it and she'd done her best to forget it herself.

There was no way she knew her darkest secret.

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