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Nora's pov

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Nora's pov

"Jane, dear one, you've returned!"

I peeked over Alice's shoulder at the enchanting soft voice that echoed through the cylindrical room. Sadly I was not blessed with height, my small form hid well behind her when I hunched over but, I could easily be seen if you paid enough attention. I had a feeling, though, that I wasn't going to be the main topic of conversation.

My full attention was drawn to a man in a crisp black suit, who glided forward so gracefully I wouldn't have been surprised if he was floating.

He was very attractive, with strong features that demanded your attention and one of those ethereal faces that was difficult to look away from. His eyes too were unnatural like everyone else's; though they were darker and reminded me of a rich merlot. He carried himself regally, the black cloaked 'guards' that surrounded him moving out of his way respectfully but never straying too far. It was obvious he was in charge.

Those intimidating eyes had a haze over them that the others didn't possess, glinting with madness as a large smile stretched across his translucently pale skin; his long jet black hair pulled away from his face and clipped back. Admiring his beauty, I couldn't help but feel quite inadequate compared to the rest of the room with my plain brown hair, boring grey eyes and dull pedestrian clothing.

Smile stuck on his handsome face, he walked quickly to the young girl, taking her face in his hands and regarding her fondly like a father would a daughter. He kissed her softly on the crown of her head and released her, gliding back a step.

"Yes, Master." She grinned so divinely that I was disturbed, her attitude change throwing me for a loop. One moment she was extremely mature, the next she was acting like the child she clearly was. It all seemed to depend on who she was speaking to, where her loyalties lied. More than anything it was her choice of words that was perhaps the most disturbing thing, I mean master? That's fucking weird, she looks about twelve.

"I brought him back alive, just like you wanted." She said sweetly.

"Oh Jane, you are such a comfort to me." He sighed wistfully with his own smile.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now