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"Are you calm now, brother?" Marcus asked,  frowning in distaste as Aro drained the woman in his arms viciously, ignoring her nails that scraped at his skin and the gargled gasps leaving her throat

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"Are you calm now, brother?" Marcus asked,  frowning in distaste as Aro drained the woman in his arms viciously, ignoring her nails that scraped at his skin and the gargled gasps leaving her throat. With a guttural growl, her body was released and she crumpled lifelessly to the floor, glassy eyes now devoid of any life and ash blonde hair tinged with dried blood.

Aro licked his lips hungrily, his eyes a startlingly bright red, a result of the numerous humans he had slaughtered. He said nothing, moving behind his desk and producing a handkerchief seemingly from thin air. Wiping his mouth he breathed deeply for a moment, exhilarated from the kill.

Straightening out his suit and hair he looked at the limp body with disgust and turned his eyes onto the double doors.


The young boy materialised before Aro had even finished talking, bowing deeply to them both.


"Take care of that, would you?" He sneered at the body, moving to relax in the large black leather chair behind his desk.

"Certainly, my King." With ease Alec lifted the woman over his shoulder, exiting the room hastily.

The room was tense, both men now staring each other in the eyes with terse frowns. Aro soon grew tired of the accumulating tension. "Just say whatever you want to say, brother."

"Fine." Marcus beseeched, rolling his eyes and leaning his shoulder against the wall. "What did you see? Surely it was bad for you of all people to lose control."

Aro grimaced, his mind flashing back to what he had seen. He wished he could wipe it from his mind, to spare himself the pain and to respect Nora but it wasn't possible. The horrible event was forever scorched into his memory.

"I shall not be telling you or Caius what I saw," His tone was firm, and Marcus knew he would not budge on this. Nevertheless the decision angered him. He opened his mouth, most likely to demand to know but Aro halted him in his tracks. "I will not be swayed, Marcus. This is something that is extremely personal to Nora and I will not divulge it so recklessly. It is her decision and her choice on when she wishes to tell you."

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now