•13: Part 1•

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Jane's small glove covered fist knocked on the dark hickory wooden door to the queen's room

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Jane's small glove covered fist knocked on the dark hickory wooden door to the queen's room. Seconds turned into minutes as she waited-impatiently she knocked again. Still no answer. Tolerance running out she let herself in, surprised by the unilluminated abyss that greeted her.

Suspicious, she stepped into the shadows on light feet, unable to see anyone in the pitch black even with her enhanced eyesight. The only light to be seen was faint, coming from the dimly lit bathroom. "My Queen?" Her voice echoed as she made herself known, purposefully louder than necessary so she didn't frighten her-humans were fragile creatures.

It was silent for a few short seconds, but it was enough to be somewhat worrying. Preparing to call out again she was halted when the light beamed to life.

What she saw left her speechless. Nora stood in the doorway to the bathroom, an absolute vision in the dress the kings had picked. Fox like eyes were accentuated by smoky black shadow, her inner corners lined with a glimmering silver. Shining umber locks were styled in deep wavy curls, pulled back into an elegant low bun so they framed her dainty face. The blush colored dress hugged her slender figure and made her eyes pop, it was tight on the bodice but the modest neckline left some things to the imagination. Just barely visible under the long skirt of her dress were a pair of silver strappy stilettos that she surprisingly walked well in.

Approaching Jane, her pastel pink nails picked at the skin of her fingers-Jane surmised to herself that it must have been a nervous habit.

Bashfully she lifted her lips that were covered in a glossy deep rose lipstick in a semblance of a smile, finding it hard to meet the petite guards awe-stricken ruby eyes. "Well...how do I look?" Jane remained stunned for a moment longer before she smiled reassuringly.

"You look wonderful, my Queen." That was a huge relief to hear. She'd always been insecure about her looks but after her recent weight gain she was even more so, especially now with how tight the dress was-it was like a second skin.

It was difficult to remind herself that it was a good thing, that she shouldn't be so concerned about the way she looked, but who could really say that they were honestly and truly 100% content and loved themselves? Anyone who did was lying, at least that was her opinion.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now