•13: Part 2•

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The mahogany doors to the throne room loomed over her like an impending storm; she was grounded by Demitri's arm that was looped through her own

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The mahogany doors to the throne room loomed over her like an impending storm; she was grounded by Demitri's arm that was looped through her own. He was an encouraging presence that she needed and was glad to have in that moment. Despite her earlier bravado she thought if he wasn't there she might have bolted already.

He reached and placed his large hand over her own, eyes conveying a thousand messages to her but they all said the same thing. That it would be alright. With that he melted away her trepidation like the blooming sun does to ice in the winter.

Their moment was broken by the mountain that was Felix appearing in front of them so abruptly it made her flich, a scowl marring her painted lips at his smug smile. Santiago took his place beside him and when she peeked over her shoulder Jane had disappeared, likely to go and find her brother.

Despite what it may seem Felix actually wanted to get to know her like his brother had; she was just too much fun to antagonise. Demitri had begged him to stop and he would, he didn't want to upset him. Driving him to quit more was the fact that if the masters found out he was upsetting their mate, however harmless it was, he'd find himself without a head-or worse; in the dungeons being tormented by Caius's malevolent torture devices.

Her lips curled into a sneer in annoyance at his incessant jarring behaviour and she looked to Demitri, once again seeking the comfort he brought her to replace her agitation with Felix. Rolling his ruby eyes at his brother, he met her eyes and squeezed her hand, mouth pulling into a small grin.

"Ready?" His hushed tone was appreciated, a contrast to the sound of her heart that once again pounded furiously in her chest-at this point she was surprised she hadn't had a heart attack with the way it was working overtime.

Shaking her head, her face contorted into a smile that was more of a wince, doing nothing to hide her irrational fear that she failed to mask. "As I'll ever be, I guess."

The skirt of her dress flowed around her feet when she twisted her body so she could face him, smoky eyes looking into his so intensely it felt like she was seeing into his soul. "I want you to know Demitri, just how much you have helped me cope with this whole ordeal. More than even my own sister has." He seemed startled by this, searching her face-for what, she didn't know.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now