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"Ughhhhh..." Nora grumbled as she emerged from the apparent coma she'd been in, taking a second to recognise she was in her room before screwing her eyes tightly shut to protect them from whatever light was shining in front of her. Even the small noise sent sharp pains to her already aching head-it literally felt like someone was squeezing it with all their might, trying to make it explode.

Curling into a smaller ball than she already was, she was hyper aware of every little noise that went on around her. Thanks to this, the attempted quiet footsteps that approached her sounded like the unnecessarily loud rumbles that came with a thunderstorm, each thump against the ground making the pressure in her head that much greater.

Nausea swirled unpleasantly in her gut and she remained painfully still, afraid that even the slightest move might make her actually throw up. The air changed around her, becoming significantly colder. She didn't need to guess that it was one of the kings-she was proven right when a gentle hand was placed on her clammy forehead.

Without meaning to she flinched at the change in temperature, but was soothed when a thoughtfully quiet voice graced her ears, the person tucking a loose strand of limp hair behind her ear. "I was afraid you might have overdone it, though I didn't want to be proven right. Maybe next time we'll make sure you indulge less, my love."

With a tired smile she leant into the hand as it cupped her cheek, still refusing to open her eyes. "Marcus."

"This may be redundant, but how do you feel? Can I get you anything?"

"I'd love some water." She managed to croak out, her throat was drier than the Sahara and she vowed that she wasn't going to drink ever again...well-there was no solid proof to that but she could pretend.

"I'm afraid that you're going to have to sit up, you'll choke if you drink it like that." Caius. How could it not be, the bastard always managed to have an air of smugness to his voice.

In no mood for his teasing at that present moment she glowered at the air, eyes still defiantly clamped shut. "Back off, Legolas." The enthusiastic chuckle she heard at the insult, unmistakably Aro, confirmed to her that all three of them were here.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now