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Nora's POV

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Nora's POV

"You missed Bella's graduation, Elenora."

Oh crap, the dreaded full name. Definitely not happy, then.

I sighed, placing my hand on my forehead and massaging my temples with my fingers as a dull ache began to form there. Of course, of course Bella had painted me as the bad guy to our dad, why wouldn't she? I could understand her upset but I honestly didn't mean to miss her graduation. What was I supposed to do though? We hadn't exactly left things on the best of terms since our last phone call, it would have been odd if I just rocked up like things were cool between us.

"Look, dad..." Thanks to the fact that he'd rudely awoken me from sleep, the early morning sun just peaking through the drawn curtains, my voice was drowsy and heavy with fatigue. "Things are complicated between me and Bella right now. She did something that hurt me and she won't apologise for it, so sue me for being upset. Besides, I didn't know if I'd be welcomed by her if I did go."

"She's your sister, Nora. And she–" He paused, his voice becoming significantly more somber. "We miss you."

I grimaced at the change in his tone, feeling a little guilty now. Had I really been upsetting them both that badly? It's not like I didn't speak to them-well, I spoke to my dad often. Not Bella, but that was no choice of mine. Each time I did call, it was left unanswered. There was only so many pleading voicemails I could leave.

Biting my lip, I decided I had to do something. I wouldn't have my dad hurt because of us. "Okay, well...would it make you feel better if I came back and sorted things out between us, in person? I'm tired of fighting with her. Plus, it'll be good to see my old man again." I smiled teasingly and it grew when his laugh reverberated through the phone. I hated upsetting my dad and it was unfortunate that the negative impact on him was a byproduct of mine and Bella's spat.

"Oh, that'll be great, Nora! I've missed you kiddo." I giggled at the excitement in his tone that he didn't even try to hide. Of course, I was still anxious about my situation with Bella and how I'd be received by the Cullen's but, at least I'd get to see him again; despite having an amazing time here I could honestly say I had really missed him.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now