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"Hello, my darling

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"Hello, my darling."

Nora said nothing, she just stood in the same spot and stared at him vacantly with her arms crossed over her chest. Ashamed of himself and of all of his actions from the past week, Aro looked to the bush of white roses next to him and began to talk, afraid that if he looked into her unforgiving eyes he'd fumble.

"I am so sorry for what I have done, amore. I know there is nothing I can do to make amends for my actions, but I swear to you I will do whatever it takes. I would endure burning in the hottest of fires for all eternity if that meant I would be worth even a fraction of your forgiveness."

Finally bringing his pain filled eyes to meet hers, he frowned at the expression on her face. It was neither angry nor sad, but there was no doubt that she was upset–her tears reflected like small diamonds under the dull sun and her hands were balled into tight fists by her sides.

With a jerk, she moved so suddenly towards him that he actually flinched and was caught off guard by her abrupt movement when moments before she had been eerily still. Her small body collided with his with a surprising amount of force and subconsciously, he brought his hands up to lay on her back to steady her. Her own arms wrapped around his neck tightly and he could feel the small tremors that passed over her.

Pressing her face closely to his neck, her warm breath tickled his skin pleasantly when she finally spoke. "Please," She was interrupted by a small sob, her tears soaking the material of his shirt. "Please–don't leave me like that again." All Aro could do in response was hold her and blink stupidly at the air.

It was a shock to him that he had become so overwhelmed; it felt like it had been centuries since he had last seen her. His only interactions with her had been through his brother's memories, fleeting though they had been. To finally be here, in front of her was...everything. He was finding it difficult to remember that this was real, it felt like some dream that was too good to be true.

She clung to him, just as desperate as he was to finally be together. Closing his eyes to savour this moment he carefully drew her closer to him, so close there was not a gap between them, yearning to feel her and know that she wasn't some apparition his mind had created in his hopelessness. "I am so sorry my darling, I will never leave you again. Never."

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now