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"I'm afraid I don't understand, darling

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"I'm afraid I don't understand, darling." Aro's arm leant on the opened door of the Cadillac, body bent so he could talk to me. "If you are so afraid of flying then how did you ever manage to travel to Italy in the first place?"

My scared eyes, that had been staring past his hunched form at the large black plane behind him, darted to meet his ruby ones and I glared when I could see the hidden humor he had with this whole situation that he was trying not to show.

"Is my terror funny to you?" He pulled an offended face and opened his mouth to probably disagree, but I continued my angry tirade anyway. "Last time I was on a plane, the circumstances were rather dire and I wasn't given time to worry about myself. On top of that I could barely focus due to the pain our bond was causing me–this is completely different."

I blanched as Caius's voice met my ears; a bit jarred at the fact that I couldn't see where he or Marcus were standing from my position in the car. "Come on out, carissima. You can't stay in there all morning. Honestly, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Rolling my eyes I fiddled with the seatbelt and glowered at the tarmac under Aro's shoes. "See, that would be a lot more believable if I couldn't literally hear the smirk in your voice."

In response he groaned impatiently and it was my turn to smile in satisfaction. Two can play at this game, bitch.

I wasn't trying to be difficult, really, but I'd always had an irrational fear of airplanes. I was convinced that every flight I took would be my last and this was no different. I understood it was difficult for them to grasp why I was afraid, what did they have to be scared of? But they weren't the ones who would die a horrible death should something go wrong.

Marcus's face appeared over Aro's shoulder and I relaxed slightly at his warm smile and kind eyes. He was always such a sweetheart. "Come, my love. There really is nothing to fear, we will let nothing harm you."

Shivering, I pulled my black sweater tighter around me as a breeze from the early morning rolled in through the open door. By early I mean it was about 6:30 am, probably the reason I was so fucking grouchy–well, that and the fact I had decided to just wear a sweater and shorts, some basic socks and chunky boots. I was regretting that now, it was freaking cold!

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now