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'Bored, bored, bored! Well

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'Bored, bored, bored! Well...isn't this fun.' Apparently bored was all she was going to be at the moment. For such a large place it felt like there was nothing to do. Her...mates? Yeah, she wasn't going to call them that. She was still human and besides, this wasn't the motherfucking animal kingdom-She'd just use their names. Anyway, they had been called back to another last minute trial which she was kind of grateful for to be honest. She never knew that vampires would be so fascinated with something as simple as her eating; disturbingly they'd sat and watched her through her whole meal.

They hadn't really had much time together in the end but the short time spent together had been quite relaxing and actually nice. She'd mainly asked questions about the castle and the guard, which they answered happily. There was no denying it had been pretty awkward, but there wasn't really anything she could do to rid herself of that until she felt more comfortable around them. Given her past experiences with men that might take a while.

Eventually they had reluctantly left, with lingering looks from Marcus and a hug that had been much too long from Caius-she couldn't say she hadn't enjoyed it though. Oddly enough Aro had refrained from touching her in the slightest the entire time. She'd have to question him about that later.

So here she was. Back in the large elegant room that she was beginning to get fucking sick of. At first glance it would appear that there was a lot to do in the room but there really wasn't. There were three large bookshelves filled to the brim with every type and style of novel but she had been hard pressed to actually find something to capture her short span of attention.

If you liked to spend your free time watching the world pass you by then there was the option of staring out the large windows; personally she preferred more modern activities like listening to music or watching whatever crap was on Tv. Devastatingly everything in the room was painfully old fashioned, she doubted she'd see a Tv or any form of technology in her stay. Honestly? She felt like a bubble rattling around restlessly in a tin can-a very beautiful can though.

A knock roused her from her thoughts. She was given no time to respond before the door creaked open, the petite frame of Jane standing ominously in the doorway. The small girl was looking at her with a hard set frown, though she could do nothing to hide the faint amusement shown in her red eyes.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now