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An anguished scream echoed in the throne room, emanating from the lowly creature lying before the three kings begging for his pathetic life

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An anguished scream echoed in the throne room, emanating from the lowly creature lying before the three kings begging for his pathetic life.

"Please miei signori, I didn't know!" The nomad vampire withered on the floor, convulsing in pain as his severed arm lay in front of him. Deep cracks were littered across his copper skin, covering his entire body.

"Ah my dear Arturo, you wound me with the lies that spill from your treacherous lips." Aro tutted with disappointment, pacing in front of the weak pest that was being held before him under the dark influence of Jane's gift. "We gave you shelter in our city, protection from those who wished harm upon you and how do you repay us? By attacking the locals we swore to protect."

"I'm sorry! Please, you must understand it's in a vampire's nature to be consumed by their thirst." His pleading fell upon deaf ears.

Aro tsked and faced him with a tight smile, eyes glinting with barely contained rage. "Had you been a newborn this little discrepancy could have been resolved; you're not though, are you?" The only response he got was a defeated whimper, sick joy filling his black heart at the other vampire's hopelessness. "You very nearly tarnished the reputation and secrecy that took our coven thousands of years to build. I'm afraid we cannot let this heinous misdeed go unpunished, my friend."

Caius sat stiffly on his throne, anger and hate rolling off him in deep heady waves. The black shadows lining the room were doing their best to not attract his attention, a lower guard had paid the price for that in the form of his head. All three kings were more temperamental than usual, they had rushed through the trials today; many of the poor souls who had entered had not had the pleasure of leaving again. It seemed any mercy the three possessed had run thin.

"Enough of this, Aro. Kill the pathetic worm and be done with it." Caius snapped venomously, smirking cruelly at Arturo when he wailed in fear. His patience for the trials had all but disappeared at this point and he didn't care if the pitiful beings brought in were guilty or not, all he wanted to do was seek out his angry mate and reason with her-even if it was against her wishes. Aro and Marcus were reluctant to take that course of action and he understood their reasons, she was human and new to this world but he would not live without her and he would not let her distance herself from them to the detriment of them all.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Where stories live. Discover now