Chapter Two - The Winstons

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Dallas and Donna Winston. Gosh I love their names. Here's how it starts, I was wondering the streets of Times Square. Nothing but the clothes on my back and a pack of cigarettes I managed to steal. I was dirty and smelt horrible but I was away from my mother and the devil.

I had found a dark alleyway between a run down restaurant and a clothing store. I had sat on a pile of old clothes hoping to get some much needed sleep. I had been on the streets for three days at this point and was beyond exhausted. I closed my eyes and expected some sleep but some rude ass decided I wasn't worthy of that.

I jumped up so fast when I felt his hand on my thigh.

"What the fuck dude?" He was a sight for sore eyes. He was definitely on drugs and was so high he could probably touch the sky.

"Shut it mamma and get over here. Let daddy take care of you" I've never been more disgusted by someone's choice of words in my life.

"Yeah no. Fuck off creep" I turned around walking down the alley. At this point I'd rather find a dump to sleep in as long as I was as far away from him as possible.

I didn't even get halfway down the alley before he grabbed me from behind. I elbowed him repetitively but his grip tightened with each hit. Fuck whatever superpower drugs give you man this shit sucks. I started screaming. It was the only thing I could think of. It's not like anyone was gonna do anything though. Its New York.

But to my surprise I was dropped to the floor and the man fell on top of me. Whom ever rescued me pushed the crack head off me allowing me to turn around and see who it was. Once again to my surprise it was a kid my age. He was tall and slim with dark hair and even darker eyes. Unlike the creep he was fun to look at.

"What's a pretty broad like you doing out here alone?" And he ruined it. Gosh why do men have to be so stupid? His voice sounded like heaven though. It was rough and raspy with a very thick New York accent, but his choice of word's was poor and disrespectful.

"Excuse me? I'm not a broad" He rolled his eyes sticking his hand out for me. As annoyed as I was with him my ass was soaked and I was still on the ground sitting in a puddle. I grabbed his hand allowing him to help me to my feet.

"Sorry Doll didn't mean to offended ya. What's your name?" I scoffed at him. He's a guy of course he meant to offended me.

"Joanna. But call me that and I'll skin ya" My father named me. Now that he's gone I don't want to hear the name Joanna again.

"Alright, Jo. Name's Dallas" A nickname? already. I couldn't help the small smile. No one ever cared enough to give me a nickname.

"Well thank you Dallas." He smiled at me. Gosh his smile. It remined me of my fathers. Stupid and adorable. We walked out of the alley way back onto the busy streets of Time's square. Dallas walked off but I followed. Look I shouldn't trust him just cause he helped me but I'm alone and I can only defend myself so much. Don't get me wrong I don't need some knight and shining armor to come rescue me all the time. I'm not some damsel in distress, but it would be nice to have some one else around especially someone that could take on someone a lot bigger then I can.

"Your following me?" I walked right into him. Great. He backed up and I felt my cheeks heat up. Now is not the time to get all embarrassed.

"I uh" don't even Joanna your caught

"Yes". He laughed. He has the most ridiculous laugh I've ever heard.

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now