Chapter Sixteen - Hospital Visit's

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For the first time since we'd been together I had woken up before Dally. I couldn't say I was surprised. Even with the lack of sleep I had been having. I went down to the gift shop taking a tooth brush and tooth paste before heading back to Dally's room. I brushed my teeth and decided to go give Johnny a visit. I walked around for a while before finding his room. I snuck in before any would could stop me. My heart broke at the sight. Johnny laid on his stomach strapped to the bed in bandages. His burns where bright and obviously painful.

"Hey, Johnny" I said quietly careful not to startle him

"Hey, Anna. I missed ya" I smiled as I approached him. I noticed a mirror laying underneath him allowing him to see behind him. I leaned over so my face took up majority of the mirror flashing a big goofy smile. He laughed as best as he could.

"How ya feelin?" I asked.

"Not so well" I frowned feeling sorry for the boy. My head snapped up at the sound of the door. Ponyboy and Two-bit entered

"Oh hey, Jo. Hey, Johnny" Two said. I waved at him

"Hey, y'all" I moved toward the side so they could move into Johnny's mirror

"How they treating you, kid?" Two asked. Johnny hadn't answered. Two pulled a news paper from his pocket placing it on the mirror for Johnny to see.

"Look, you got your picture in the paper here for being a hero. Look at that" I leaned forward to see Johnny, Ponyboy, Donna, and Dally's face on the front cover

"Yeah, that's tough enough, huh?"

"I guess you can look at it later" Two said as he put it away

"You want anything?" Two asked

"The book, man. Can y'all get me another one?" Two and I looked at each other confused

"I think he want's a copy with 'gone with the wind' so I can read it to him. Do you mind going downstairs and getting one?" Pony asked. Two nodded motioning for me to go with. I followed him out of the room toward the gift shop in the lobby.

"I feel bad for the kid" Two sighed rubbing his forehead

"Yeah, he don't deserve this"

"How's Dal?"

"Better than Johnny. He was still asleep when I left. Probably annoyin the nurses now " Two laughed. We entered the gift shop heading toward the small bookshelf in the back. It took us a few minute's but we had finally found the book. Two grabbed it off the shelve paying for it before we headed back to Johnny's room. When we reach his floor we could see his mother yelling as she argued with one of the nurses. We ignored her as we entered the room. Johnny laid still sending Two and I into a fit of panic

"What's wrong with Johnny?" Two asked

"You just can't see him right now" The nurse answered

"Pony, is he okay?" I asked

"I don't know" Pony cried

"He's alright" The nurse reassured

"Look, you make sure he get's this, alright?" Two said to the nurse handing her the book we had bought. We left the room trying to tune out Johnny's mother's screams

"He's rather see these no-good punks than his own mother" she shouted at us


"No wonder he hates your guts" Two yelled back

"You don't even care about him, you damn drunk" I added with tears in my eye's. Johnny's mother reminded me of my own in all the worst ways.

"You go straight to hell. You go right to hell" Two continued before we turned headed toward Dally's room. We walked in as Dally argued with the nurse

"Just get out. Get out. You make my stomach sick" Dally said before he began laughing. When I reached his bed he grabbed my by my waist pulling me on top of him. I moved so I laid beside him.

"How you doin?" Two asked

"Hey, how you doin, man?" Dally said shaking Two's hand. I moved so I laid on my stomach.

"I swiped you a gift, man" Two said throwing something at Dally. I looked at him confused not having known he stole something.

"It's good to see you guys man. This place gives me the creeps. I want out" Dally said standing from the bed in nothing but his underwear, locking the door before crawling back into bed.

"Tim Shephard dropped by"

"He did?" I asked confused

"He saw my picture in the paper, couldn't believe it didn't have 'wanted dead or alive' written underneath it" I laughed

"Neither could I"

"He started rubbing it in about the rumble, man" Dally continued as I rolled out of the bed. His eye's followed me as I sat in the chair beside the bed

"I hate missing it. You got a cigarette Pon?" Pony threw him a cancer stick as he sat up.

"How is he? How's Johnny doing, man?" Dally asked. I couldn't be the bearer of bad news so I kept my mouth shut.

"Look, Dal, uh I don't know about stuff like this but he didn't look too good, Passed out cold before we left" I could tell by how quite it had become. We were all preparing ourselves for the worst. Dally crawled back on to the bed crushing the cancer stick, he turned throwing it

"You still got that knife on you?" Dally asked.


"The knife that Donna steals. Give me it, will ya?" Two-bit pulled the knife from his pocket flipping it around before handing it to Dally who had his back turned toward us.

"You know, we gotta win that fight tonight. We gotta get even with those Soc's" Dally said as he stabbed the bed. I closed my eye's knowing he was trying not to be vulnerable so he was turning it into anger. He turned facing us

"Let's do it for Johnny, man. We'll do it for Johnny" He laid back on the bed holding the knife to his head. I sighed pulling the knife from his hand handing it back to Two. They bid their goodbye's. I laid beside Dally on the bed. He moved to lay his head on my chest and for the first time he cried in my arms.

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now