Chapter Four - Dallas Winston

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I woke the next morning, cold once again. I turned over noticing that Dally nor Donna were present in the room. Did they leave me? Probably not. I got myself out of bed and headed down the steps. Donna was sprawled out on the couch smoking a cigarette while watching mickey mouse on the television.

"Your little boyfriend went to get more cancer sticks before we leave" I nodded. I lifted her legs off the couch sitting down. I placed her legs over my lap. We sat watching mickey for about twenty minutes before Dally came barreling into the house.

"get your shit we gotta go" Without a moments hesitation me and Donna jumped up throwing our shoes on. Donna threw her bag over her shoulder and we ran out of the house. The ground was wet but there wasn't a drop of rain in sight.

We walked quickly down the road. I'm pretty sure Dally got himself in trouble somehow. Probably with the fuzz. The police sirens that echoed seemed to answer my own question. Donna seemed to notice them too. She shot Dally a 'what the hell' look. Dally waved her off as we kept walking.

After what seemed like forever the sirens died down and we finally slowed our pace from practically running. Donna turned smacking her brother across the chest causing us all to stop walking.

"What the fuck Dally?" He rolled his eyes and pushed passed his sister. Me and Donna followed as he continued down the road.

"I got spotted alright. I got out before anyone really saw me." Donna scoffed not impressed with his answer but she didn't retaliate. I watched as she whispered swear words under her breath her eyes focused on Dally. I couldn't help but laugh. She turned toward me a goofy smile on her face. We both started laughing, Dally turned shooting a look at us.

"What are you laughing at?" Me and Donna shot each other a look.

"Nothing" I slapped my hand against my mouth trying to stifle my laugh. Dally rolled his eyes and turned back around.

We walked for even longer. Donna was quite a bit ahead of me and Dally again. Dally walked directly beside me this time. He was so close that our hands would brush against each other's every now and again. Part of me wanted to play his little game but the other part wanted nothing to do with him. I never was one to be involved with anyone. I was anti-social and awkward but ever since running away and meeting Dally and Donna something changed. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the fact that I feel safer with them then I have felt with anyone since my father.

I had to make a decision. Was I going to a) play Dallas Winston's little game and possibly set myself up to get hurt or b) act like nothing has happened and hurt myself in the process. There's less of a possibility of me ending up hurt if I play along.

The next time Dally's hand brushed against mine I wrapped my fingers around his and laced my hand with his. I wasn't expecting him to hold my hand back but he surprised me when his fingers wrapped around my own. I glanced at him noticing him already looking at me. He had a look of surprise along with that smile from before. Maybe he was actually telling the truth last night and maybe I have to stop second guessing everything.

I'm free from my mother and step father, I'm free from the socially awkwardness of my past self, and I'm free to be whatever I want to be. The day I left was the same day Joanna Lewis left. I am no longer a child of abuse and alcoholism. Now I'm Jo (or Anna) and I'm stuck trying to figure out how the hell to deal with Dallas and Donna Winston. They should really come with instructions...

Wait what did Donna refer to Dally as earlier?

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now