Chapter Seventeen - They Know

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I sat on the hospital bed playing with the rings on my finger while Dally got dressed. 

"When we get there, I don't want you involved" I scoffed looking up at the boy as he pulled his pants on

"I'm serious, Jo. You and Don gotta stay out of it" This time I threw my head back laughing

"Why're you laughing?" 

"Johnny's our friend too. We're greasers too. This is our fight just as much as it is yours" I stopped laughing crossing my arms over my chest as he glared at me

"You can't seriously think we aren't gonna get involved just because you say so?" I asked bewildered. I can tell by the look on his face he wasn't happy with me. I stood from the bed grabbing his jean jacket, walking toward him. I handed him the jacket watching as he put it on.

"I love you Dally, but I'm not backing out of this. Same way you wouldn't" He glared at me for a moment before rolling his eyes and huffing in defeat. I smiled at him placing my hand on the back of his neck pulling him to my height kissing him. We pulled away staring into each other's eye's for a moment

"If it get's too bad I'll walk away. Go to the Curtis's house, Okay?" He nodded before kissing me again. It was in that moment the feeling set in. An un easy feeling as if something bad was going to happen. I took a deep breath as we pulled away leaving the hospital. We walked quickly down the road toward the park the rumble would be taking place. With each step the feeling grew worse. I tried to push it away. Ignore it. Dally suddenly began pulling me as we started running. We ran through the bushes into the park.

"You know, a rumble ain't a rumble without us!" He shouted as all head's turned toward us. I smiled as the adrenaline hit. We jumped on top of a parked car just as a Soc threw a punch at a unsuspecting Ponyboy. I grunted as I jumped off the car landing beside Dally. Greaser and Soc's ran at each other as rain began pouring down unto us. I ran at a Soc who had a greaser pinned pushing him off. He rolled in the mud before going to stand. I kicked him sending him back onto his butt. I kicked as I was lifted off the ground by a Soc. I clawed at his arm before biting it. I could taste the blood in my mouth as he screamed dropping me into the mud. I stood noticing Donna fighting off a group of Soc's that surrounded Pony. I ran toward them kicking the back of their knees sending them to the floor. Darry ran over helping with the other's as most of the Soc's scattered. Darry was pulled back by two Soc's. Donna and I shared a quick glance before we ran at them throwing punches' as they dropped Darry running off. A large smile grew on my face as the greaser's began cheering while the Soc's scrambled to their cars. I turned noticing Dally pulling a injured Ponyboy through the mud. He gave me a 'I'm gonna take him' look. I nodded turning my attention back toward the fleeing Mustang's. I couldn't help but cheer along with the other's when I spotted Darry. I walked over to the older boy catching his attention.

"Dar, Dally took Ponyboy. Probably to the hospital to see Johnny" Darry nodded going to tell Soda. That's when the feeling hit me again. It was more overwhelming this time. I felt as if I was going to puke.

"Hey, you good?" Donna asked placing her hand on my shoulder. I nodded

"Yeah, just a little bruised" Donna laughed

"You got cut" I looked down noticing a large gash on my shoulder covered in blood and mud. I looked at her confused.

"Huh? How did that happen?" Soda asked as he approached wrapping his arm around Donna's shoulders. I quirked my eye brow at them

"Don't know. How'd that happen?" I asked referring to them. They ignored my question as Two-bit approached

"Hey, let's go." We all walked back to the Curtis's collapsing all over the living room. Donna grabbed the first aid kit. Darry grabbed a few bandage's before kneeling in front of me. He bandaged my cut causing me to wince.

"Someone pull a blade on you?" Darry asked while he cleaned the blood and mud off

"Nah, think I cut it when Dally and I ran through the bushes" Darry nodded continuing to clean my arm. Once he was finished he collapsed on his usual chair. Donna approached him kneeling beside him, helping clean the bite on his hand. We sat around in silence as the gravity of the situation weighed in. My body ached and my eye's grew tired from the lack of recent sleep but the feeling in my gut wouldn't let my eye's close. The door opened and a bloody and bruised Ponyboy entered. All attention turned to him. The look on his face caused the feeling to grow worse.

"Hey, where you been?" Darry asked as Donna stood. Pony looked at me as he slowly closed the door. His eye's were filled with sorrow and pain. Darry stood

"Hey, Pony. What's wrong?" He walked toward his younger brother. Pony took a second before answering

"Johnny's dead" Any excitement from before had completely diminished as everyone's eye's, including my own filled with tears. Soda stood from the floor as Steve and I shared a heart broken look. Pony walked through the house stopping in the dining room

"Told him bout beating the Soc's. I don't know he just died. Told me to stay gold" Two exited the kitchen behind Pony a look of pain on his face. Steve and I stood as we listened to Pony our hearts breaking with every word. Pony looked at Two for a second as he walked passed the younger boy. Pony backed further into the dining room his eye's flickered between Donna's and mine. 

"Dally's gone" My knees grew weak as my vision blurred from the tears. Pony looked at me, and only me this time.

"He couldn't take it. He's gonna blow" Tear's threated to fall. The bad feeling I had seemed to disappear. This is it. This is what it was trying to brace me for. All eye's were on me as my knee's gave out sending me back onto the couch. Donna looked at me tear's in her own eye's. This was the end. Both of us knew what was coming and neither of us were ready for it. 

"Come on, give 'em space" I heard Darry say as he motioned for all the boys to go into the kitchen. Donna sat beside me both of our attention glued on the floor

"Anna" she whispered


"Is this it?"

"Yeah, I think it is"

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now