Chapter Fourteen - Ponyboy, Johnny, and The Soc's

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I was laying in Dally and I's bed half asleep. Dally laid behind me his arm wrapped around my waist. Soft snores filled my ears as I began drifting to sleep. A loud banging at the door caused me to jump up. Dally's hand fell from my waist as he too jumped.

"What?" He yelled annoyed

"There's a Ponyboy and Johnny at the door asking for the two of you" Buck yelled. Dally groaned rolling his eye's as he climbed out of bed. I turned over as he pulled on his jeans.

"I'll bring them up" He mumbled to me as he left the room. I couldn't help but feel unsetteled at the late night visit. I got up, Dally's t-shirt falling to the middle of the thighs. I used the bathroom before returning to our bed. I sat criss crossed on the bed my arms crossed over my chest as I waited for them to come up. After a minute or so our door flung open and the boy's walked in. Ponyboy was drenched his arms crossed over his chest as he tried to warm himself up. Johnny had his hand's in his pockets.

"What the hell happened?" I asked as Pony sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hey, stupid. Take the sweatshirt off, will you, man?" Dally said. I moved toward the edge of the bed throwing my legs over the edge as Ponyboy took his shirt off. I watched as Johnny moved the curtains looking out the window. I looked at him confused.

"You'll freeze to death"

"Man, I wish I had a weed now" Johnny said leaning against the side table.

"Okay, again. What the hell happened?" Johnny looked at me tears in his eyes

"I killed a Soc" I closed my eye's processing the words. I took a deep breath before nodding

"It was a long time coming" I reassured patting him on the shoulder. I turned noticing Dally loading his gun. My eye's widened

"You can't be serious?" I questioned as he handed it to Johnny.

"Don't point that thing at her, will ya? It's loaded, come on" Dally said ignoring me and checking out the window. Johnny shoved the gun in his waistband as Pony began crying. I scoffed grabbing the gun from Johnny.

"What are you doing?" Dally asked bewildered as I unloaded the gun

"Not giving a child a loaded gun! You got a knife?" I asked Johnny. He nodded.

"Good" Dally rolled his eye's at me before handing Johnny fifty bucks.

"Look, I'm not itching to be the one to tell your big brother about this and get my head kicked, man" Dally said as he laid beside me on the bed

"Then don't tell him" Pony cried. I grabbed Pony pulling him into my arms. Dally placed a flannel on my lap

"Here. It's Buck's. It's a little big on you but it's dry." I pulled from Pony handing him the flannel. Johnny bite his nails in a nervous manner. He was clearly paranoid. Not that I could blame him. Dally pulled Johnny closer looking to make sure he couldn't hear any one at the door.

"Get the three fifteen train to Windrixville. It's a freight. There's an abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain." I shivered at the thought of the church remembering the few short days Dally, Donna, and I had spent in there. Dally placed a cancer stick in his mouth striking a match across his Christopher, lighting it

"There's a pump in the back. So, don't worry about water. Get a week's supply of food as soon as you get there this morning, before the story get's out. Then don't so much as stick your noses out the door, am I clear?" The boys nodded. I couldn't help but feel sorry for them. I remember the fear I had when Dally killed the guy in the alley.

"We'll be up there as soon as I think everything's cool" Dally looked at Pony who continued to cry

"Hey, relax, buddy. Come on, man. It'll work out" I rubbed Pony's back trying to calm him

"I thought New York was the only placed we'd end up in a murder rap. Jesus Christ" Dally mumbled as the situation fully processed.

"Your tellin me" I agreed. The boy's stood as Dally and I walked them downstairs. I hugged them goodbye before Dally and I turned headed back toward our room. We passed a girl around our age who was checking out Dally who walked ahead of me. I scoffed as I passed her, turning so I was facing her

"Eye's to yourself" I growled. She looked at me both scared and confused before Dally grabbed me by my waist pulling me away. We got back to our room laying in our bed as we had before.

"God, I hope those two are alright" Dally mumbled before we drifted off to sleep.

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now