Chapter Five - A New York Alley Way

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Four days have passed since I met Dally and Donna. Which means its been four days since we have been traveling by foot to who knows where. I'm not sure if they forgot to tell me or maybe I wasn't listening but I still have no idea where we are headed. We have stopped almost every night and found a place to crash. Occasionally we'd have to find some where outside to sleep. It wasn't ideal but it's better then no sleep. The walk was exhausting enough with the few hours of sleep we actually got.

Now where I stand with these idiots. Donna has become my best friend. She loves to make fun of me and tease me but she's also there when I need a shoulder to cry on. Not that it's often but sometimes old feeling show themselves again. Donna and I definitely have our moments though. We can both be aggressive and bitchy especially to each other in certain situations but we always figure it out. We have also come to the conclusion that not only does Dally have very obvious anger issues but Donna and I do too.

Then there is Dallas Winston himself. I don't even know where to begin. We have gotten closer, we usually end up having to share a bed because most of the places we stay only have two beds. If I'm being honest I thing he does it on purpose. We cuddle, hold hands, and share glances quite often. Donna has told me on countless occasions that I need to see a therapist if I genuinely think he's attractive or worthy of being my boyfriend. 

I for sure like him. There's no hiding it anymore. The only problem with traveling with the guy you like and his little sister, whom he's extremely over protective over even though I've seen her fight off many people ten times her size, is that we don't get a lot of 'alone' time to actually talk shit out and figure whatever we are out. Part of me is glad we don't, I don't want to ruin whatever it is we have going on and the other part is extremely annoyed with myself for not figuring it out yet.

We were currently somewhere just outside of New York I believe, honestly I have no idea where we are. We had just 'borrowed' some outfits from a local store and planned to go over to this small club to try and get some money. The plan was for me and Donna to go flirt with a few guys that seemed quite drunk, and Dally would come up from behind them and swipe their wallets. I'm not proud of myself for going along with it but I'm starving, my shoe's are falling apart, and the weather is getting colder and I want a jacket. 

I was dressed in a red skin tight dress that fell just above my knees, with black heeled boots. My hair was big, blonde, and curly and I had red lipstick on. I wasn't super comfortable, being thirteen in such a reveling outfit but this was the only way for me to look old enough to even be aloud in the club. The club is eighteen plus and I may not look eighteen but, in this dress I sure do. 

I met Donna downstairs. She was wearing the exact same thing as myself just in black. She looked like she was used to this. We made our way to the club and got let in. Dally was already here waiting at the bar. We weren't supposed to look or talk to him unless there was any sort of problem, but I couldn't help but glance at him. I knew I looked good and I wanted to see if he thought so too.

My cheeks heated up when I noticed his eyes looking up and down my body. He bit his lip as we made eye contact causing me to blush even more. I couldn't focus on Dally all night no matter how much I would have liked to. I brushed him off and headed deeper into the club. I noticed a older man sitting at the bar his head hung low. He seemed sad but also seemed like the perfect target.

I walked toward him taking a seat beside him at the bar. His head flew up and I could feel his eyes looking me up and down. I shivered slightly out of disgust but played it off. He put his hand on my shoulder causing me to turn my attention toward him. I flashed him a smile and leaned forward on the bar.

"I must be blessed to be sat beside an angel such as your self"

What felt like hours had passed. I would flirt with a guy, Dally would swipe their wallet, and then I'd tell them to kindly fuck off before moving on. At this point I knew Dally had at least five wallets from myself alone and many more from Donna. She seemed like a pro at this. She moved quickly between men with no hesitation. 

Dally had agreed on the last guy that it was enough for tonight and we should head out. I told him I would retrieve Donna and meet him outside. I spotted Donna at the bar beside a random man, but something was off. His hands where on her hips and she had a drink in her hand. Dally had told us at the start that if they offered a drink to decline. Surely she would know that, she's been doing this a lot longer then I have. 

I made my way beside her at the bar. I didn't want to blow her cover but I knew we needed to leave. I glanced at her for a moment hoping to catch her attention but I noticed bubbles in her drink. Last time I had checked a martini doesn't bubble. Fear flew through my body as I realized what was happening. I need to get her to Dally, now. 

I gave up on not trying to blow her cover. I grabbed her arm turning her to face me. Her head was bobbly and she was barley able to stand with out support. The man stood up. He towered over me by quite a lot. I grabbed Donna by the arm and drug her outside the man following. Donna didn't complain at my tight grip on her arm or the fact I was quite literally dragging her which confirmed that something was in fact wrong. 

I threw the doors open and noticed Dally standing across the way hidden in the alley way. I picked up my pace as I walked toward him knowing the man was hot on my trail. Dally perked up when he heard the shouts of the man telling me to stop and the sight of his sister. I could tell he already knew what was up but was waiting for confirmation. As soon as I reached him he pushed me and Donna down the alley. We walked hurriedly as the guy continued to follow. He was persistent, I didn't like it.

I wanted to leave. Get Donna to a place where she could be safe and we could stay out of trouble before leaving in the morning, but I knew that the moment I confirmed his suspicions everything was going to shit. I didn't want to but this was his little sister. 

"He drugged her, Dally" The man heard me. His eyes went wide and he stumbled backwards knowing he was caught. He turned going to run but Dally was faster. He punched the man right in the jaw sending him to the floor. I don't know if he was that drunk or just that stupid but the man stood going to hit Dally, but Dally kneed him in the face. Each time the man tried to stand Dally knocked him back down. 

I could see the anger in Dally's face. I wanted to stop him, tell him it was enough and we needed to leave before anything worse could happen. Like I said before I have anger issues myself, so I didn't I watched with joy as Dally beat the man's face. Donna leaned against me for support which made the blood trickling down his face even more satisfying. 

Dally's eyes filled with more anger with each hit. I needed to stop him. This wasn't going to end well. Before I knew it the guy was down with no attempt to get up. I could tell Dally was satisfied. I was too until I noticed there was no rise and fall of the mans chest. I think Dally noticed it to. He bent down placing two fingers against the man's neck checking for a pulse and I knew by his reaction that there wasn't one. 

He stood up quickly pushing me and Donna down the alley way once more. I stumbled and tripped trying to keep myself and Donna up right. Dally grabbed me by my waist, steadied me and continued to push us. He was freaking out. We made it to our place and he shoved us inside.

"Do whatever it is you can do to sober her up. I'll get all our shit." I nodded. I was freaking out, my head was spinning and my chest hurt from how fast my heart was racing. I brought Donna into the bathroom and laid her in the tub. I turned the shower on and ran to grab her outfit from before. I sat with her for about a half hour before she was sobered up enough to start questioning the uneasy look on my face. I waved her off telling her to get dressed that we had to leave and left to change myself. 

With in another fifteen minutes and we were out the door. We threw all of the clothes we had stolen into a trash can far from the place we had planned to stay and continued on. Donna continued to question her brother and I but eventually gave up when neither of us would speak. I don't know his reasoning for not telling her but I knew if I opened my mouth to speak I was going to hurl. I am officially an accomplice to murder. Whoopty fucking doo

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now