Chapter Ten - Cancer Sticks

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It felt like an eternity since the night Mr. and Mrs. Curtis passed. We don't go to the roller rink anymore. It reminds us too much of Mr. Curtis. A lot has changed. Sodapop dropped out of school and works full time at the DX gas station. Donna didn't end up going to school at all. She also works at the DX alongside Soda and Steve. Dally gives Donna a lot of crap about not being in school but he's a bit of a hypocrite if you ask me. He too dropped out of school but Donna, unlike Dally and I actually has a job.

Ponyboy and I had grown closer. He confides in me more. Darry doesn't do anything but work now. After their parents passed the court made him legal guardian of Soda and Pony, he now worked twice as much to support them.

Dally and I were currently at the Dingo like usual. We were getting ready to meet Donna, Soda, Steve, and Two-bit at the drive in before we decided to stop for something to eat. Once we finished eating we slid from the booth and hurried out the diner before they'd realize we hadn't payed. Dally grabbed my hand in his as we walked quietly down the road purposely taking the longer way to the drive in. Dally groaned loudly from beside me causing me to look over. He had a pack of cancer sticks in his hands except it was empty. I couldn't help but laugh causing him to glare at me

"You're the only one to blame. You're the one that smokes so damn much" All Dally did in response was glare. Before he could hit me with a witty comeback I dragged him across the street dropping his hand as we approached the small convenient store. One of the many things Dally and I were good at was stealing. We always had the perfect plan and worked well together. I entered the store the bell on the door alerting the man behind the register someone had entered. His gaze landed on me causing me to mentally groan. I pushed it aside as I walked up to the register looking at the candy. The bell dinged again as Dally entered wondering into the back of the store. I waited until I heard the loud crash as one of the display shelves tumbled to the ground. The man at the register looked me up and down one last time before disappearing into the back of the store where Dally was.

I took my chance hopping over the counter. I grabbed several packs of cancer sticks for Dally and the rest of the gang before I jumped back over running out of the store. I ran around the corner before stopping and shoving the packs into the pockets of my jean jacket. I waited a few minutes until I heard screaming. I peeked around the corner careful not to be seen. I watched as the man from the store stood at the door waving his fist in the air yelling as Dally ran toward me laughing. As he turned the corner he grabbed my hand pulling me along. We ran for a few minutes making sure we were far enough away before slowing down into a walk.

"This is for you" I said as I pulled the cancer sticks from my jacket pocket and waving it in his face. He smirked as he grabbed it from my hand. He took one out placing it between his lips before striking a match against his Christopher necklace.

"And this for you" I watched as he pulled a lollipop from his pocket waving it in front of my face. I laughed as I grabbed it ripping the wrapper off and tossing it to the ground.

"Grape. Your favorite" Dally said as he grabbed my hand in his once more. Just then police sirens blared from behind us. We both turned noticing two police cars tailing us. Dally began running pulling me with him causing me to drop the lollipop. I ran along side Dally as we tried to keep the cops off our tail. The longer we ran the harder it became to breath. I wasn't a bad runner and I was quite fast but Dally was always faster. I could tell Dally noticed my struggle as he pulled me harder keeping me from tripping over my own two feet. We came upon an alley way Dally turning toward me for a moment. Before I could react Dally used all his force to throw me into the alley as he continued down the road. I let out a string of curse words as I hit the ground. I didn't let myself stop pulling myself to my feet once more running down the alley as footsteps approached. I exited on the other end of the alley and jumped the fence into someone's yard hiding in their shrubbery. I watched as the police ran up and down the street looking for me before giving up and going back down the alley. I took a moment before jumping the fence again running down the road. I made it to the drive in where I saw my friend's waiting for me. As soon as they noticed me they came running at me.

"Anna? Are you okay? What the hell happened?" Donna asked as she grabbed my arm. I winced looking at my arm to see a tear in my jacket and blood soaking my arm.

"Oh shit. Uh it's Dally. The cops got him" Donna's face dropped.

"Let's get back to my house, yeah?" Soda said causing us all to nod. We walked quickly down the road making it back to the Curtis's. They rushed me inside Two-bit pushed me onto the couch beside Ponyboy and Johnny as Donna ran to grab the first aid kit

"Oh gee what happened to you?" Ponyboy questioned

"Dally and I were running from the cops. He pushed me down an alley to get me away and I guess I cut my arm on something." Donna came back into the living room pulling my jacket off causing me to wince again

"Dally get caught?" Johnny asked

"He had to have. They moved off my ass to fast for him not to have" I winced again as Donna cleaned the blood from my arm. She quickly bandaged it as I sat back on the couch. I had nearly fallen asleep when the phone rang. I jumped up grabbing it off the wall

"Hello?" I asked

"Jo, these son of a bitches got me" Dally growled

"I figured as much. You have to do time?" I could hear the annoyance in his voice

"ninety days" I sighed as I leaned against the wall closing my eyes


"Yeah, I know. Look I've gotta go. Love ya" I smiled slightly

"Love ya too" I placed the phone back on the receiver taking my place on the couch again

"How long?" Donna asked from the dinning room where she played cards with Soda and Steve

"ninety days" I rolled my eyes. Leaning back on the couch allowing myself to fall asleep.

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now