Chapter Nine - The Curtis's

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A couple months had passed since we arrived in Tulsa. Me and Dally still lived above the bar but after a few drunk night stays at the Curtis's, Donna practically lived there now. Mr. and Mrs. Cutis took us all in as their own. If we need food or hot water they always provided it. They took care of us. I don't just mean me Dally and Donna though. All of the greasers. They where the greasers parents. It was really amazing how much they helped.

Dally Donna and I are really close with the Curtis brothers now. Pony boy was like our annoying little brother that we loved more then anything else. Soda was like my best friend, well him and Steve. Yes, Steve from the Dingo. He wasn't that bad after you threatened him honestly. Yeah he tried to hit on me the first time he saw me after the Dingo and I told him to leave me alone or I'd let Dally beat him senseless. He's backed off since.

Donna's really close with them too. Soda mostly. I don't think she realizes it but Soda's basically in love with her. He's always staring and he's always suddenly so nervous when she walks in the room. It's funny really cause now she practically lives with him. I mean she sleeps on their couch but still.

Then there's Darry and Two-bit. Darry keeps to himself a lot but he's just like his parents he's always there when you need him. He's like the dad of the group. Two-bit on the other hand. He's the child. Always getting drunk or high starting fights and just getting himself in trouble. You can't help but love him though. He's real sweet and funny. He's like the brother I never knew I wanted. Johnny was the baby of the group even if he wasn't the youngest. He had a rough home life as did us all but he was closed off and quite because of it. We all vowed to protect him no matter the circumstances. Dally especially. He took a liking to the kid more then anyone else. I think he sees himself in him.

School was getting ready to start up and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis signed Donna up for classes so they where headed into town to get school supplies for her and the boys. Donna, Pony, Johnny, and I where headed over to the roller rink. We spent a lot of time there after we found out Mr. Curtis worked there. That's why Pony and Johnny where there the day we met them. Dally was off with two-bit causing havoc some where while Darry, Sodapop and Steve all went to work.

I've gotten better at roller skating. Donna wasn't much help all she did was laugh when I would fall. Nine times out of ten I would only fall because of her. Johnny tried to help often but he was still quite awkward. When we asked Pony about it he said he was like that with everyone. Pony helped me the most. You could really tell how sweet he was. Sometimes it concerned me how nice he truly was. Part of me wished I was able to grow up to be like him but I was cold and icy compared to him.

Once we arrived at the roller rink we did as we always did. The boys went and got us skates while Donna and I got drinks sitting at one of the tables waiting for the boys to return. Before Donna or I could reach the front of the line Johnny came running over.

"We have to go" Me and Donna shared a look as we followed Johnny out the door. We could see Ponyboy running a few feet ahead of us. We ran all the way back to the Curtis household. We ran up to the house to see police everywhere. Their lights flashed but the sirens where muted. We followed Pony into the house to see the gang and a few police officers. Darry was sat in his normal chair tears threatening to fall from his eyes while Soda sat on the couch crying violently into his hands. Steve sat beside Soda watching the boy cry in disbelief not knowing how to comfort him. Two-Bit and Dally stood propped against the wall. Two-bits attention was glued to the floor his arms crossed as he cried silently while a cigarette hung from Dally's mouth his eyes caught mine as I entered the house. I could tell by the look on his face that whatever had happened was going to effect us all.

"Darry? What happened" Pony asked quietly catching his older brothers attention. Darry looked up the tears finally falling as he ran forward embracing his little brother. Soda followed crying harder as they shared a warm embrace. They took a moment before pulling away.

"Your scarin me what's going on?" Pony asked still confused. Darry sighed placing his hand on Pony's shoulder

"It's mom and dad. They got in a wreck" My eyes widened as the pieces fell together. I looked at Dally for confirmation. He nodded at me. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. Before Darry continued I grabbed Pony's hand giving it a tight squeeze to show him I was there for him. He looked at me confused

"They didn't make it Pony" I watched the mix of emotions flash across the boys face. He was confused, then in denial, before finally the tears fell and he began sobbing. He feel to his knees bringing me down with him. I pulled him into my arms as he cried.
My heart silently broke at the sight of the boy in my arms, haven gone through the loss of a parent myself I shared his pain.

We stayed on the floor for awhile.
The cops left shortly after we arrived. Donna now sat at the table with Steve as they comforted Soda. Soda sat between the pair Donnas arms wrapped around his shoulders as he cried into his arms. Steve rubbed his back as he held back tears of his own. Darry sat in his chair once more Two-bit sat on the arm of the chair a beer in his hand as he tried his best to comfort the older boy. Johnny sat on the opposite side of Pony rubbing his arm as I held him. Dally watched from the couch he tried to play it cool like he wasn't bothered by it but I could see it on his face that their death hurt him as if they where his own parents.

Their death effected us all in our own way. Not just their sons, not just our gang, but all of the greasers. By the end of the night we agreed to stay with the boys only parting ways to grab a few things we'd need for the night. By the time Dally and I reached their home again the front lawn was covered in flowers. They weren't nice and perfect like the ones you'd buy in the store.
They were wilted and nearly dead but they were left by all the greasers. That night we all came together for the Curtis's.

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