Chapter Seven - The Dingo

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Weeks had passed at this point. I felt like we were in the middle of nowhere. It was so cold we would have to stop walking about an hour before sunset. We tried our best to not stay on the streets. I think we'd freeze to death if we did.

Donna and I were closer then ever. She constantly asked questions about that night at the club. I've told her as much as I could before I'd get sick. Dally is basically my boyfriend. That's so damn weird to say. We act like a couple more than before. We definitely have kissed more then once but that's about as far as it goes. The only thing separating us from being an official couple is the title. Dally hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet and your damn near crazy if you think I'm asking him. It was his game after all.

"Where the hell are we?" Donna and I where currently sitting in a small diner called the 'Dingo'. Dally was off trying to find us a place to stay. God only knows where will end up. We've been in crack houses, run down motel rooms, and a ton more odd places.

"Oklahoma. Tulsa I believe" Now that she said it I was able to recall the conversation from before. This whole time I thought it was a joke, but here we are freaking Oklahoma. I took a sip of my milkshake when someone wolf whistled from behind me. My back was facing the entrance. Before I could turn the person appeared beside our table.

He was wearing a mickey mouse t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, his hair was slicked back and full of grease. He was eyeing up Donna like she was a piece of cake. I couldn't help but laugh when I noticed the confused and curious face Donna had made.

"Why hello there, name's two-bit. You?" I snorted. He sure took an interest in Donna and she didn't look at all interested. She shot me a look seemingly asking what the hell was happening causing me to laugh again.

"Uh Donna" The boy, two-bit, practically jumped when she answered. He seemed nice and innocent so I decided to let him have his fun. I stood from the booth catching his attention. I offered him my seat and took a seat at the counter. I turned looking to see Donna's reaction. She glared at me but smiled.

I was playing around with one of the few bracelets I had stolen when I felt a presence beside me. At first I thought it was Dally but the smell of gasoline and hair oil told me it wasn't. I looked up noticing a boy around my age. He had buck teeth and bushy eye brows. Just like two-bit his hair was slicked back in grease. It seemed to be a reoccurring theme here. 

"Can I buy you another milkshake?" I looked at my shake noticing it was practically gone. I was going to accept but images of the night in the club seemed to scream at me.

"Um no thanks" He nodded and all went silent. I turned toward Donna to see if she had noticed the strange boy beside me, but her head was thrown back and her hands wrapped around her stomach as she laughed. Two-bit was in a similar position their laughs seemed to echo around the otherwise silent diner.

"So uh she your friend?" I turned my attention toward the boy once more noticing him looking back at Donna and Two-bit. I smiled at him again. I really didn't want to talk to him.

"Yeah" He nodded

"Uh two-bit's a buddy of mine" Is that why he was talking to me? They have some kind of wing man shit going on? I just nodded at him hoping he'd get the hint.

We sat there for a good twenty minutes not a word to be spoken. It was awkward.

"Uh I'm Steve by the way" He stuck his hand in my direction. I looked down at his hand, it was covered in oil and dirt.

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now