Chapter Six - Rooftop Sunsets

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For the first time since we started our journey, we were sat in the back seat of a random car. We decided the best way to get far from the club was to hitch hike. Something Dally swore we were never going to do. He insisted it was too dangerous and could get us lost, but given the circumstances he could care less. 

We were in the car for quite a few hours before we were dropped off at a diner in the middle of Columbus, Ohio. We made our way into the diner finding a booth at the back. I sat beside Dally as Donna sat across from us. Not a word had been exchanged between us. The fear inside me had settled down quite a lot knowing we were so far, but I still felt as though I was going to puke.

"What happened? Why are the two of you acting so strange?" I shot Dally a glance but he keep his eyes on his hands. I shook my head trying to tell Donna 'not here'. She seemed to get the hint because she huffed and fell back into the booth. 

We ate some food with the money we had stolen and sat around for awhile. I think Dally's trying his best to process what happened. He looked sick. 

"Breaking tonight. A man was found dead in an alley way near a New York club" Holy shit. My head snapped to the tv that was sat behind the counter. Everyone's attention seemed to be glued to the tv. 

"Twenty-Six year old Paul Everglade was found beaten to death in the alley way across from a small New York club. Everglade was a regular at said club and was known for starting trouble. Some say he was better off." That makes a lot of sense. It also explains why no one seemed to care when he chased me out of the club.

"Frank Michaels the bartender, said Paul was seen chasing two girls out of the club one who seemed to be drunk. Something that wasn't unusually for the twenty-six year old." Then they showed it. His dead body laying on the ground. I couldn't take it. I'm gonna be sick. I stood quickly running to the bathroom. I just barley made it before all my food made its way back up.

Tears streamed down my face and my throat burned. I wasn't sad the guy was dead. If anything I was relived, now he couldn't hurt anyone including Donna. I was overwhelmed to say the less. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see was Dally's face when he realized he killed him. 

The bathroom door opened and Donna knelt beside me, rubbing my back as I leaned over the toilet. I gave her a look and she seemed to know right away what I was trying to tell her. I cleaned myself off and we left the bathroom to find Dally outside the diner, cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Dally found us a place for the night and we settled in. I was sat on the roof just trying to clear my head when Donna appeared beside me.

"Why?" I took a deep breath. Did she not remember or is she just trying to get me to talk?

"He drugged you" I glanced at her. Her head dropped as she nodded trying to comprehend it all. I couldn't blame her. I was stone cold sober and I still couldn't comprehend it. 

"That's why I don't remember half the shit that happened at the club." This time she turned toward me. I nodded she let out a small huff.

"Are you going to leave?" That caught me off guard. I sat up straight looking at her confused.

"What do you mean?" She copied my position from before and wrapped her arms around her legs.

"Now that you know what Dally's capable of. Are you going to leave?" I gave her a sweet smile. I'm not sure why she's so worried about me leaving. I hoped it was because she liked having me around. I shook my head at her

"Why not?" I laughed a little turning my attention toward the sky. I watched as the clouds rolled by.

"Because, I know he did it to protect you. Plus I can't blame him. I was ready to do the same." This time she laughed. It was soft, more of a giggle.

"So your not scared of him?" I looked at her

"Are you?" She laughed so hard she snorted

"Fuck no" It was my turn to laugh

"Then I'm not either. Personally you scare me more then him." We both started laughing then Dally made an appearance. He sat on the opposite side of me and sat a lot closer then Donna. We sat in silence for a moment watching the sunset before Donna crawled back through the window. At Donna's absence Dally grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together.

"I'm glad you aren't leaving" He laughed. I turned my attention toward him. His eyes seemed to glow in the golden sunlight, his hair fluffier then normal. I watched him for a moment taking in his appearance. The setting sun seemed to highlight everything about him. 

That's when I noticed how close he actually was. Our legs where up against each other. his shoulder was touching mine and his breath hit my skin. I could see in his eyes that he was admiring me as much as I was him. I don't know what made me do it. Maybe it was the small space between us or the failed chance from the other day, but I leaned toward him.

His eye's widened a bit as he caught onto what I was doing. A smile graced his lips and he leaned toward me. Before I knew it our lips touched. My stomach felt like butterflies again. My grip on his hand tighten and it felt as though a surge of electricity jump started my heart. His lips were soft and fit mine like a puzzle piece. We pulled away, our face's close as we admired each other once again.

I could see his eyes searching mine. I'm not sure what he was looking for but the smile I had seemed to be enough for him. His hand that wasn't wrapped in mine caressed my cheek for a moment. The warmth of his hand against my cold cheek sent a shiver through my body. No matter how cold it was he was always warm. He gently pulled me into him again. Our lips met once more. The kiss lasted longer this time. It was deeper and more heated then before, but we pulled from each other once more.

His face still close to mine. I smiled at him and he returned it with the same smile from before. That's when it hit me. The small toothy smile was reserved for me. I was the only person he ever smiled at like that. 

"Finally! Now get your asses in here" I turned to see Donna watching from the window with a big goofy grin. I turned back to Dally to see him biting his lip as he shot Donna a look. I laughed as I stood climbing back through the window. We all laid down. Donna in her bed and Dally and I in ours. Dally wrapped his arm around my waist as we drifted off to sleep.

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now