Chapter Eleven - Soc's

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Dally had been put away for quite awhile now. Donna had been staying with me above Buck's so I wasn't alone. We had woken up quite early this morning to go visit Dally but ended up getting side tracked when Soda had called asking Donna to cover for Steve at the DX. I sat on the Curtis's couch my arms crossed while Donna and Soda ran around getting ready for work.

"I don't understand why you can't work your own shift?" I asked annoyed at the situation

"Because I sprained my ankle. Boss won't let me come in" Steve answered from beside me. I glared at him

"Well what was your dumbass doing that you sprained your ankle?" He rolled his eyes but didn't answer. Soda laughed as he re-entered the room with Donna's work shirt in his hand.

"You guys look like children" I glared at Soda flipping him off causing him to laugh more. The bathroom door opened reveling Donna fresh out of the shower. She grabbed the shirt from Soda's hand locking herself in the bathroom once more.

"It's not a coincidence that the one day I finally convince Donna to actually come with me this dumbass can't work" Donna exited the bathroom once more rolling her eyes

"You think I made him get hurt so I didn't have to go?" She questioned. I quirked my eyebrow

"Did you?" She smiled at me walking into the kitchen. Soda laughed leaning backwards

"Did you actually?" Darry asked from his chair in the corner. The newspaper he had been reading now laid discarded on the side table as he listened to our conversation

"No but it's a smart idea"

"Why won't you just go visit your brother?" Two-bit asked from the floor where he sat watching Mickey Mouse. Johnny beside him watching everything unfold.

"Yeah, why won't you just go visit your brother?" Donna turned around facing us her arms crossed

"Because, it's Dally. He'll be back there in a week or so. I'll have plenty of chance's to see him in jail" I rolled my eye's huffing in annoyance. My head snapped up at the sound of screams.

"Is that Pony?" Steve asked from beside me. Before I could answer Soda had run passed me throwing open the door. Steve, Donna and I followed. We ran out of the house to see Ponyboy pinned to the floor several Soc's surrounding him. As soon as they noticed us they ran off toward their car. We followed as Two-bit grabbed one of the Soc's. Donna ran toward the other side of the car leaning through the opening grabbing the other Soc. The Soc pushed Two-bit onto his butt as Steve ran toward him. Soda jumped over the roof of the car helping Donna. I grabbed a pile of rocks from the grass throwing them at the car. They backed away as we followed. I continued to throw rocks successfully throwing one through the back windshield hitting one of them in the head. The Soc turned looking at me bewildered as I flipped him off. I saw a stick slide across the floor before two hands wrapped around my waist. I turned ready to fight but stopped when I faced Dally.

"What the fuck?" He threw his head back laughing.

"Shut up! What are you doing here?" I questioned

"Good behavior" I rolled my eyes not believing him before he pulled me into a kiss. I smiled as I melted into his arms having missed him. We pulled away from each other going to check on Ponyboy. We followed behind Steve, Two-bit and Donna.

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now